FK UB Invites Civitas to Get to Know Intellectual Property More Closely

The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB) through the Agency for Research and Community Service (BPPM) held an online Socialization of Intellectual Property, (12/11/2021).

This activity aims to introduce intellectual property (KI) closer to FKUB community as a preparation for the adjustment of UB’s stipulation as PTNBH in 2021.

This activity was attended by all FKUB lecturers with Ir. Azhar, MBA from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights  RI, Dr. Ir. Purwadi, MS as a lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB who owns the most patents in Indonesia, and Prof. Dr. dr. Yuyun Yueniwati, M.Kes, Sp.Rad(K) professor of FKUB. Through this activity, it is hoped that the works of lecturers, both from teaching, research, and community service that have the potential to be processed the intellectual property and proceed to the downstream stage which can finally be used as outputs for UB campus as PTNBH.

The activity moderated by dr. Thareq Barasabha, MT is divided into 3 sessions, which consist of: Intellectual Property A-Z, Lecturers Works with Intellectual Property Potential, and Success Stories of Patent Submission. All participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity from the beginning to the end and many participants asked questions.

In session I regarding Intellectual Property A-Z by Ir. Azhar, MBA said that patents are different from copyrights. Patents are first to file, whoever applies first, he/she will receive it and only applies in the country where the application is made. The treatment method may not be patented. The time required from filing a patent until the patent is granted is at least 2.5 years.

“If you are applying for a patent, the work should not be published first during the grace period, except in seminars,” said Ir. Azhar.

In session II, it was explained that every lecturer’s work, whether from education, research, or community service, had the potential to obtain Intellectual Properties. The message conveyed by Prof. Yuyun that course material should be written down to get Intellectual Properties since it is important to support PAK and BKD.

On the occasion of session III, Dr. Purwadi said that PTNBH lecturers must have a lot of patents and FK has the potential to produce.

“Write a draft of patent immediately, although it is still an idea,” said Dr. Purwadi.

On this occasion it was also discussed that institutions can open business entities that produce ideas that are patented by lecturers.

“Through this socialization, I hope that FK UB civitas will become Intellectual Property literate and motivated to design Intellectual Property-oriented tridharma activities, so that the acquisition of it in 2022 and beyond will increase.” said dr. Thareq as the chief executive of this Intellectual Property Socialization activity. (ElV/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)