Faculty of Medicine Provides Education on the Use of Herbs for Family Health in Kendalpayak

Indonesia has abundant biodiversity, including various types of herbal plants. Among these herbal plants, there are roots, leaves, rhizomes, and tubers that have various benefits. Until now, many Indonesian people still use these herbal plants, both as basic ingredients for cooking or processed into herbal products in the form of health drinks, such as herbal medicine. This tradition shows how important the role of herbal plants is in the daily lives of Indonesian people.

The community service of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) with the theme “Workshop and Education on the Use of Herbs as an Effort to Improve Family Health” which was held at Kendal Payak Village Hall, Pakisaji District, Malang Regency, was carried out in two stages of activities.

The first stage is Education on the body’s immune system, traditional medicine and its use, and the use of traditional medicine, which was carried out by teaching staff from the Department of Pharmacy on Saturday, (8/24/2024).

The second stage is the herbal making workshop activity which was carried out on (10/19/2024). The target of this activity is the PKK members of Kendalpayak Village totaling of 45 people.

Apt. Tamara Gusti Ebtavanny, S.Farm., M.Farm., as the Chief Executive explained that this activity aims to increase public knowledge, especially for PKK members in Kendalpayak Village about the use, efficacy and dosage of herbal medicines, so that the community is safe in using herbal plants as herbal medicine that can be used daily as an immune booster / immunostimulant for family health.

He added that many people are still unfamiliar with the rational use of herbs, in the sense of the right indications, the right dosage, the right way to use, the right way to store and awareness of possible side effects, so that with this community service activity it is hoped that the level of public health will increase with the rational use of herbs.

“In this activity, we also held herbal medicine making workshop involving business actors/practitioners in the field of herbal medicine, so that the public can learn how to produce safe, good and correct herbal medicine, how to choose the right packaging and how to obtain distribution permits for herbal medicine products so that they are suitable for distribution to the wider community, for example the easiest permit to do is the Household Industry Food (PIRT). In this workshop, hands-on was also carried out on making 3 herbal drink recipes that are suitable for family immunostimulants, namely: a. Children’s Wedang Bandrek, b. Wedang KuKur (Turmeric-Dates-Javanese Chili) for men’s health, and c. Fresh Blue Wedang Sari from Butterfly Pea Flowers for all family members. In addition, we also provided the Smart Book “Immunostimulan Hero” which contains Educational materials and herbal medicine formulas that are useful as immunostimulants and a starter kit in the form of tools that can be used to make herbal medicine. This was done with the hope that the materials and training provided to PKK members in the future can be applied and improve the welfare of Kendalpayak village residents,” said Apt. Tamara. (an4nk/FK PR/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)