FISIP UB and FISIP UNS Establish Cooperation

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) and FISIP Universitas Sebelas Maret (FISIP UNS) agreed to establish partnership which was inaugurated Wednesday (22/6/2022) in the Seminar Room, Building 1, 2nd Floor, FISIP UNS

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FISIP UB, Dr.rer.pol. Muhammad Faishal Aminuddin, S.S., M.Si welcomes the collaboration with FISIP UB. With this collaboration, the two campuses can become collaborative partners in the future.

“We hope that this collaboration can contribute to scientific development, then student exchange cooperation. It could also be other collaborations such as product innovation based on the research results of lecturers at UB or UNS,” he said to FISIP Public Relations.

Muhammad Faisal added that as a new campus with PTNBH status, FISIP UB also needs to learn management from FISIP UNS.

“Universitas Brawijaya has just become a PTNBH, so it needs to learn a lot in managing the faculty and exchanging information with UNS, which first became PTNBH,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Research, Dra. Prahastiwi Utari, M.Si Ph.D hopes that the Cooperation between FISIP UNS and FISIP UB can be beneficial for both parties and be able to support the achievement of IKU (Key Performance Indicators).

From UNS side, the event was attended by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Research, Dra. Prahastiwi Utari, M.Si Ph.D; Vice Dean for Human Resources, Finance and Logistics, Dr. Ahmad Zuber, S.Sos, DEA; Vice Dean of Planning, Business Cooperation and Information, Dr. Kristina Setyowati, M.Si; Head of the Sociology Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Argyo Demartoto, M.Sc. and Head of Communication Undergraduate Study Program, Sri Hastjarjo, S.Sos., Ph.D.

Meanwhile, from UB side, this event was attended by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr.rer.pol. Muhammad Faishal Aminuddin, S.S., M.Si, Head of Sociology Study Program, Anik Susanti, S.Pd., M.Si, Expert Staff of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Expert Staff of the Vice Dean for Finance and Head of PSIK FISIP UB. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]