The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) held a seminar entitled “New Nusantara Discussion: Transformation of the New Capital City”, Monday (11/18/2024) at the Nuswantara Auditorium, FISIP UB.
This event is a forum for multidisciplinary discussions on the development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) involving academics, practitioners, students, and other stakeholders.
This seminar presents speakers from various backgrounds, including academics, government officials, and urban planning experts, to provide in-depth insights into the transformation of IKN as a new center of growth in Indonesia.
The Dean of FISIP UB, Prof. Anang Sujoko, S.Sos., M.Si., D.Comm, highlighted the importance of the role of the media in shaping public opinion about IKN.
“A phenomenon or empirical fact that enters the media becomes a media fact. This means that the media has the authority to choose the fact,” explained Anang Sujoko.
This Professor of Media emphasized that empirical facts do not only consist of one data, but are the result of construction from various sources. The media, in this case, plays an authoritative role in shaping public opinion.
“The issue of IKN must be seen from various mainstream media perspectives that can provide constructive thinking for building the IKN,” he added.
Tri Dewi Virgiyanti, ST., MEM., Deputy for Regional Development of the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) RI, in her keynote speech emphasized the continuity of IKN development as a national strategic agenda.
“The President emphasized that IKN development will continue with more rational stages and good planning,” she said.
She hopes that IKN will become a driving force of growth in eastern Indonesia and resolve regional disparities between the western and eastern regions.
“Hopefully, IKN can become a center of growth sources. The current government is committed to completing IKN development in the next four years,” she said.
Virgiyanti also motivated the younger generation to prepare themselves to face global challenges.
“Young people must be enthusiastic about improving their quality, both in knowledge, skills, and technology, so that they can support the IKN to become a symbol of an advanced, just, and equitable Indonesia,” she said.
The author of the book “9 Reasons and 8 Hopes for Moving the Capital City”, Andrinof A. Chaniago explained the various strategic reasons behind moving the capital city to Kalimantan.
“Regional inequality, especially the inequality between western and eastern Indonesia, is the main reason. In addition, Jakarta’s complex problems such as flooding, congestion, and land subsidence cannot be overcome by the Jakarta city government alone,” explained Andrinof.
He also emphasized the importance of a serious commitment in making the IKN a symbol of sustainable development and a prestigious area that can improve the quality of life of the Indonesian people.
“Universities must be actively involved through objective and scientific studies to ensure that the development of the IKN runs according to expectations,” he added.
As the IKN Authority Transition Expert Team, Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum highlighted the concept of world city planning designed for the IKN.
“IKN must be a city that preserves nature, a place to mobilize, live, and work by prioritizing environmental sustainability,” said Dr. Tri Mulyani.
She emphasized the importance of equal access for all Indonesian citizens in the IKN development process, so that the transformation carried out is truly inclusive. (UB PR/ Trans. Iir)