GEMASTIK or National Student Show in Information and Communication Technology, is a program of the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. This program is intended to improve the competence of Indonesian students, so that they are able to take on the role of agents of change in advancing ICT and its use, both while still in the study period and later after graduating from study.

GEMASTIK was held for the 14th time this year with the theme “ICT for Indonesia Rising towards a Better Nation’s Life”. The COVID-19 pandemic that is still hitting Indonesia and even other countries has caused the implementation of GEMASTIK XIV to be carried out as in 2020, namely the online method as a whole from the beginning to the end of the activity. This event was held together with one of the universities appointed by the Center of National Achievement, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology as the organizer.

From GEMASTIK, the ICT competence of Indonesian students will be tested with various case studies in each branch/division of the competition to produce the most efficient and effective solutions. Students are expected to remain enthusiastic despite the COVID-19 pandemic to continue producing works and channel the spirit of innovation in the development of ICT for the progress of Indonesia.

Through a selection and guidance process from July, finally 4 teams from FILKOM and their supervisors were selected to represent the University in the 2021 GEMASTIK Final. The final and culmination of all competition divisions conducted online will be held on 4 to 7 October 2021. The selected teams are as follows:



No Member Chategory Supervisor
1 I Putu Reditya Permana Putra Programming Putra Pandu Adikara, S.Kom., M.Kom
Putu Rama Bena Putra
Riza Setiawan Soetedjo
2 Alizza Iman Raddin UX-Design Buce Trias Hanggara, S.Kom., M.Kom
Hanifa Putri Rahima
Ghina Zahira
3 Alfonsus Avianto Chandrawan Software Development Adam Hendra Brata, S.Kom., M.T., M.Sc
Anatasia Griselda Ferina Budiargo
Harun Ulum Fajar
4 M. Muchib Zainul Fikri ICT Business Develoment Ir. I Dewa Made Widia, M.T
Much. Rizki Pradana
Taufiq Hidayat




(drn/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)