FILKOM UB Receives the First Visit from SMAN 1 Purwakarta and SMA Budi Mulia, Tangerang in Early 2025

Dean of FILKOM UB, Prof. Wayan gives a speech to the participants of the Visit

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) on Tuesday, (14/1/2025) received the first visit from two schools at once, SMAN 1 Purwakarta and SMA Budi Mulia Tangerang. Taking place in the Algoritma Hall, G Building, FILKOM UB, present on this occasion were the Dean of FILKOM UB, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D., accompanied by Drs. Muh. Arif Rahman, M.Kom., as the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship. Prof. Wayan, warmly welcomed the presence of 300 students and 23 accompanying teachers from both schools and welcomed them to FILKOM UB.

The Dean of FILKOM UB took a photo with representatives from SMAN 1 Purwakarta and SMA Budi Mulia, Tangerang

“FILKOM is one of the favorite faculties with superior accreditation and modern facilities. We offer various study programs, such as Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Information Technology and Information Technology Education. This year, we plan to open new programs in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cyber ​​Security. With the support of quality lecturers and a complete postgraduate program, we hope that this visit can provide insight and inspiration to students about the world of technology education,” he explained.

Ida Rosida, S.Pd., M.Pd., Vice Principal of SMAN 1 Purwakarta expressed her gratitude to FILKOM UB for the warm welcome and hospitality in welcoming the visiting group.

“This visit aims to explore information about study programs, learning systems, and new student admissions at Universitas Brawijaya. We hope that this information can be a provision for our students who will continue their education, including to Universitas Brawijaya, which every year becomes one of their main destinations,” said Ida.

Also present during the visit was Dr., Ir. Diva Kurnianingtyas, S.Kom., one of the lecturers at FILKOM UB, who was also a speaker for this visit. The activity was also filled with a question and answer session. (rr/sdn/nas/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)