At the International Science and Invention Fair (ISIF) 2023, the FILKOM team and a combination of several UB students won 1st place. This proud achievement was achieved in the Technology category at ISIF 2023 with the title Bionic Pancreas: A Technological Innovation Pancreas for Blood Glucose Management and Monitoring Based on Internet of Things.
In this hybrid event, 28 countries participated, 421 teams presented project results online and 217 teams offline. The team that won the gold medal consisted of Wahyu Widihansyah and Farhan Rahmansyah (FILKOM UB), Bayu Widihansyah (FT UB), Ezzedin Umbu Ahimsa Zein Suhartoyo (FMIPA UB), and Shalihat Azka Sabrina (FK UB).
The team’s supervisor, Edita Rosana Widasari, S.T., M.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., said that guidance with the team was carried out for approximately three months, starting in September until early November. The initial stage is literature study, design, implementation and testing of Bionic Pancreas. Furthermore, the team also wrote output in the form of scientific articles.
Edita also added that the aim of taking part in this competition is to prepare the team early so that they have experience and are physically and mentally ready to prepare for the National Achievement Center (PUSPRESNAS) competition in 2024.
This activity is also part of the strategy to find students who have serious interest in taking part in competitions, especially in the field of Robotics and Embedded Systems, both at national and international levels. So that later, FILKOM UB will have a strong team to prepare for PKM, PIMNAS and other competitions. .(rr/er/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)