The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) through the Integrated Service Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying (ULTKSP) held the FILKOM EDUHEALTH: Sharing Session event. The activity, which was held at the Heuristic Theater on Friday (11/8/2024), was opened by Ir. Edy Santoso, S.Si., M.Kom., as the head of ULTKSP FILKOM UB. On this occasion, he emphasized the importance of emotional management in campus life, especially in facing various challenges faced by students.

“Skills in managing emotions are very important to maintain mental health and psychological well-being of students,” he said.

ULTKSP and Dharma Wanita Association (DWP) FILKOM UB are ready to become parental figures for students who are far from their families. With a motherly approach, DWP is committed to creating a warm and supportive environment, where students can feel safe and cared for in living their campus life. With the Sahabat kampus program, DWP not only provides counseling services, but also acts as a friend and supporter who is ready to listen and help students face various academic and personal challenges.

Sharing session with the speaker, Rekyan Regasari Mardi Putri, S.T., M.T., explained that campus life is often filled with academic pressure, social competition, and rapid environmental changes.

“Students who are unable to manage their emotions well can experience various problems, such as stress, anxiety, and even depression, which can have a negative impact on academics and social relationships. DWP FILKOM UB, present with sahabat kampus is ready to provide counseling for students who need it,” he explained.

Sumarah Noor Widyastuti as the coordinator of DWP sahabat kampus FILKOM, greatly appreciated this Sharing Session activity. She stated that sahabat kampus is ready and support this. DWP and sahabat kampus are ready to provide support and be a place to share feelings for students who need it. It is also a second home for students at FILKOM UB, so that they can find the love and attention they miss from their real family. (rr/UB PR/Trans. Iir)