FILKOM Provides Training on the Use of CAT Technology for BKPSDM Malang Regency

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB), on Tuesday (10/22/2024) held training on the use of Moodle Technology as a Computer Aided Test (CAT) at the Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency (BKPSDM) of Malang Regency. The training began with an opening by Ir. Widhy Hayuhardhika NP. S.Kom., M.Kom. as the head of the community service implementation team from FILKOM UB. In his remarks, Widhy said that Moodle technology has been implemented in UB as a means of online learning and also online assessment for midterm exam and final exam.

“This Moodle technology is very practical, reliable, and easy to use, so it is very suitable for implementation in the BKPSDM environment,” explained Widhy.

The BKPSDM through its representative, Young Expert Computer Technician Rita Sanjayani, S.T.P., MIDS., M.AP. also gave a speech. In her speech, she said that this kind of training was very appropriate to be implemented at the BKPSDM of Malang Regency, because it is indeed very necessary in carrying out the duties and functions of the BKPSDM. She said that BKPSDM is indeed the center for implementing tests and competency tests for civil servants in the Malang Regency Government, and currently the software used is no longer reliable, so technology updates are needed to facilitate the implementation of the Competency Test.

In this training, Widhy was accompanied by a team of lecturers, Agi Putra Kharisma, S.T., M.T., Fais Al Huda, S.Kom., M.Kom., and Mahardeka Tri Ananta, S.Kom., M.T., M.Sc. and six accompanying students. The training was attended by 6 BKPSDM staff and was held at the CAT Laboratory, Malang Regency, from 08:00 WIB to 11.30 WIB. The material presented is about the installation and preparation of the Moodle platform, creating Users, creating Courses in Moodle, creating Quizzes and Questions in Moodle and continued with direct practice. Training participants are asked to try directly (Hands on) which is moderated by the community service team, both lecturers and students. Overall, this training can be carried out well, and provides new insights for the Malang Regency BKPSDM Staff.

During the Moodle platform installation and preparation session, participants will be given a step-by-step guide on how to download and install Moodle on their servers. For example, participants will learn how to configure initial settings, such as default language, time zone, and other preferences.

The last activity is filled with direct practice and provides an opportunity for participants to implement everything they have learned during the training. With guidance from the community service team, participants will be able to test their new knowledge and skills in setting up Moodle. This hands-on activity ensures that participants truly understand the concepts that have been learned and can apply them in real situations. This overall training not only provides new knowledge but also practical skills that can be applied in the daily work environment for the Malang Regency BKPSDM Staff. (wh/rr/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)


  From Berita UB