Department of Language Education, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a ‘Workshop on Cerdik Journal: A Journal on Education and Learning Management Based on OJS (Open Journal System) for Teachers’ on Wednesday (11/3/2021) at 1 p.m. The event took place in the hall of SMAN 2 Batu, Jalan Hasanudin, Junrejo, Batu Tourism City.
This year, SMAN 2 Batu is the host of the activity. The resource person for this activity is Renda Yuriananta, M.Pd., the manager of Hasta Wiyata and Gramaswara Journals in UB. The participants in this activity are 75 middle and high school teachers throughout Malang. However, to comply with the health protocol, 20 participants are invited offline consisting of 10 teachers whose articles passed to be published in Cerdik Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 in 2021, and 10 teachers who act as the Editorial Board of Cerdik Journal. Meanwhile, other participants attended online via Zoom Meeting and Live Streaming YouTube on the Diksasindo UB channel.
This workshop activity is a form of implementation of the School Partnership Network Expansion program (PJKS), which is a collaboration program between the Department of Language Education FCS UB and partner schools for SMP and SMA levels throughout Malang. The goal is to develop the professional competence of teachers. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education number 35 of 2010, teachers are required to publish scientific papers to apply for promotions. Permendiknas No. 18 of 2007 concerning in-service teacher certification also states that the competence to research and write scientific papers is one of the requirements.
The fact shows that many teachers do not immediately take care of promotions because they are constrained by their knowledge in writing scientific articles and feel less able to compete with other academics when they are going to publish their scientific articles in a journal. This is where the Department of Language Education FCS UB is available to guide article writing, provide a forum for publication through Cerdik Journal, as well as train teachers to become managers or editorial boards of the journal.
This activity is the third training in a series of Article Writing, Publishing, and Cerdik Journal Management Workshops. The first workshop was held online via Zoom Meeting and Live Streaming YouTube on Thursday (10/21/2021) with the topic of Journal Introduction, Indexation, and Strategies for Choosing Quality Journals. The second workshop was also held online on Thursday (10/28/2021). In this activity, the teachers were given a clinic for writing scientific articles worthy of publication.
The resource persons for both activities were Muhammad Nida Fadlan, M.Hum., from Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Both events were moderated by Dr. Dany Ardhian, M. Hum., from the Department of Language Education FCS UB, who is also the head of this workshop organizer.
“We hope that the teachers are motivated to be diligent and regularly write articles in journals, also to be motivated to share their experiences of the teaching profession with others,” said Dany.
“FCS UB is committed to all the resources it has, namely providing special journals for teachers throughout Malang, helping teachers to realize this step,” he added.
From these two activities, 51 scientific articles have been produced, 10 of which meet the minimum criteria that have been set so that they are eligible to be published in Cerdik Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 in the year 2021. Meanwhile, they needed revision until it was finally worthy of publication in the next issue. [DTS]