FCS UB Held an Inclusive MBKM Programme Webinar for Students with Disabilities

An Inclusive MBKM Programme Webinar for Students with Disabilities
An Inclusive MBKM Programme Webinar for Students with Disabilities

The Study Programme of English Language Education (SPELE) Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in collaboration with AIDRAN (Australia-Indonesia Disability Research and Advocacy Network) has held an online seminar with the theme Inclusive MBKM Programme for Students with Disabilities. This activity, which is part of the Curriculum Cooperation Assistance Programme and the implementation of the Freedom to Learn-Independent Campus (MBKM) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, was held on Wednesday (11/10/2021) online via the Zoom Meeting platform for four hours starting from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

This webinar presented several presenters, including Amithya Ratnanggani, S.S. (a member of Commission D DPRD Malang City), Hamamah, Ph.D. (the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FCS UB), Dimas Prasetyo Muharam, S.Hum. (the CEO of Kartunet), Dr. Dina Afrianty (the Research fellow of La Trobe Law School and Founder and President of AIDRAN), Dr. Sony Sukmawan, M. Pd. (the Head of the Department of Language Education FCS UB), Dr. Ive Emaliana, M.Pd (the Head of SPELE FCS UB), and Adhi Setiawan (an alumnus of FILKOM UB).

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology introduced the MBKM Programme launched in 2020 to give students access to a wider off-campus learning experience. They introduced a system of ‘three semesters of study outside the study programme.’ Through this learning process, it is hoped that students will get an empirical learning experience as well as explore the skills needed in the world of work.

Through MBKM Programme, students have the opportunity to study outside the study programme at the same university for one semester or equivalent to 20 credits. Students can also take a maximum of two semesters or the equivalent of forty credits of learning in the same study programme at different universities, learning in different study programmes at different universities, and/or learning outside the university.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology also conducts the Independent Campus Festival which aims to provide opportunities for students to get many learning opportunities outside the campus. However, based on the observations, the MBKM Programme has not ensured that the participation of students with disabilities has the same involvement as the other students.

One of the reasons is the lack of socialization and dissemination of information related to the programme. Students with disabilities who have had limited access to information are still looking for information on how they can also participate and benefit from the programme. Even if there are students with disabilities, there are still obstacles to joining the programme, such as how the assistance process can be provided to students with disabilities during the programme, accessibility provided by other universities, or other study programmes so that the fulfillment of adequate accommodation is ensured, as well as the companion support, accessibility and so on.

The book of 'Bunga Rampai Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka'
The book of ‘Bunga Rampai Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka’

“Based on these initial observations, we designed the implementation of the webinar to discuss the implementation of MBKM Programme, to identify things that need to be known by the wider community. In particular, the webinar discussed accessibility and certainty of the fulfillment of the students’ rights with disabilities to be able to participate actively, on an equal basis with students with disabilities,” said the organizing committee.

In this forum, it is hoped that stakeholders, universities, and students will be able to understand the MBKM Programme and their respective roles so that the expected goals can be achieved. This webinar discusses the issue of providing access to support the participation and involvement of students with disabilities in the MBKM Programme starting from the process of socialization, registration, implementation, and evaluation. It is hoped that through this webinar, the MBKM Programme will be more inclusive and accessible to all students in Indonesia, including students with disabilities.

Vice Dean of Academic Affairs FCS UB, Hamamah, Ph.D., delivered material on the Implementation of MBKM at FCS: Towards Inclusive Education.

“FCS UB has implemented inclusive education through activities that are routinely held by the Student Executive Board of FCS UB. The activity is DIKSI or Inclusive Discussion. So, with this activity, it is hoped that students can bring good changes to friends with disabilities,” she explained.

Dr. Ive Emaliana, M.Pd., the Head of the SPELE FCS UB explained the Rights that can be Fulfilled by Students with Disabilities in Maximum Learning.

“I hope that MBKM as a programme that improves the ability of graduates who are superior, with personality and according to the demands of the times must accommodate the right of every student to participate so that every study programme provides inclusive learning and provides opportunities for students with disabilities to participate,” said Ive.

This online seminar is held inclusively, with sign language interpreters and close captions. In each session there were three questioners, who were awarded the book ‘Bunga Rampai Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka‘. There were six inquirers from the two sessions and they would be sent the book free of charge. [DTS]