FCS Explores Collaboration with Local Government for RBI Development in China

FCS UB Team Discussion with Malang City Government
FCS UB Team Discussion with Malang City Government 

As a follow-up to establishing the Indonesian Cultural House (RBI) at Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU), Tianjin City, China, on May 10, 2024, in October 2024, the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and his team intensively explored the possibility of cooperation with various stakeholders for development plans.

According to the Dean of FCS UB, Hamamah Ph.D, this exploration of cooperation is intended to involve many parties in academic work. In addition to the collaboration among scholars established so far, it is necessary to start collaboration with the government, businessmen, the media, and the community or society.

“Nowadays, academicians cannot work alone. Physically, RBI in China is indeed a learning space about Indonesian culture. Still, more than that, RBI must also be able to become a common home for planning and implementing many things in China in the ABGCM principle, which means that every strategic work must be able to involve key elements: Academician, Businessmen, Government, Community, and Media,” she said.

FCS UB Team and Malang City Government
FCS UB Team and Malang City Government

Vice Dean for General Affairs, Finance, and Resources of FCS UB, Nanang Endrayanto, SS, M.Sc., said that this strategic cooperation with China through RBI is an opportunity that needs to be taken seriously by FCS UB stakeholders.

“We invite the East Java Regional Government to participate in China to promote culture, tourism, and MSME products. These activities are expected to impact the appeal of tourism in East Java, which has only been passed by Chinese tourists on their tour from Jogja to Bali,” he said.

He added that cooperation at this level will encourage more intensive collaboration between universities and government, companies, communities, and media.

He added that cooperation at this level will encourage more intensive cooperation between universities and government, companies, communities, and media.

“The university has abundant resources. Lecturers and students always need partners in their activities. It is very interesting if collaboration at the local level becomes a reinforcement for work at the international level. Thus, every cooperation activity has a dual function, namely strengthening local activities for promotion at the international level,” he explained.

FCS UB Team Discussion with Blitar Regency Government
FCS UB Team Discussion with Blitar Regency Government

Complementing the brilliant ideas above, the Head of the Department of Art and Cultural Anthropology, FCS UB, Dr. Hipolitus K. Kewuel, M.Hum more concretely invited stakeholders of the Regional Government of Malang City, Blitar Regency, and Mojokerto City to participate in the RBI program in China in 2025.

“We hope that the RBI development program in 2025 will not only be a program of FCS UB, but also a joint program of stakeholders, in addition to local governments, as well as cultural communities, MSMEs, and tourism activists,” he hoped.

Regarding the technical departure to China next year, Dr. Hipo emphasized that it depends on each party’s commitment by considering various matters related to the scope of authority, such as financing and others. However, he added that many schemes can be pursued regarding technical support.

“Now, we are waiting for the commitment of the parties to mobilize their creative communities to prepare themselves. Through ministerial programs or the private sector through Corporates Social Responsibility (CSR), the state provides many financing possibilities that can be accessed to support high promotional value activities such as in China,” he said. [dts/PR FCS]


  From Berita UB