Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a webinar of Undergraduate Educational Administration Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Science, Wednesday (17/3/2021).
This webinar took the theme Challenges and Opportunities in Collaboration Initiatives in ASEAN, which was filled by the Director of SEAMEO, DR. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Head of Bachelor’s Program in Education Administration of FIA UB, Dr. Hermawan, M. Si., And a student of Educational Administration Study Program, FIA UB, Rizqa Farah Fillah.
In his material, Rizqa said the COVID-19 pandemic affected teaching and learning activities in Indonesia. Online teaching and learning activities make it difficult for teachers and students, as well as lecturers and students in universities.
“Even though the learning is done on-line, FIA has provided good facilities. Meanwhile, in the cooperation between countries, the things that become students’ expectations are scholarships, an average education, the education industry (stakeholders) and the transformation of education into blended learning, “said Rizqa.
Therefore, to support them, the Dean of FIA Prof. Bambang Supriyono, Dr., MS explained that building an international reputation is one of the solutions.
Efforts to build an international reputation are carried out by cooperation. Some of the implications of international cooperation are the 3 in 1 program and the exchange of lecturers or students.
One of the international collaborations of FIA is carried out with the SEAMEO organization.
Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua Valenzuela in his presentation said that academics must be able to move forward, not only domestically but also abroad.
“Most of the students from ASEAN only continue their studies in Japan, Australia, not to ASEAN countries. SEA TVET is one of the programs launched for student exchange since 2018. This program is not only aimed at students, teachers also have the same opportunity for comparative studies in other countries through the SEA-TEACHER program, “she said.
The advantage of this program is to increase access to education and cooperation, as well as improve knowledge.
Meanwhile, Dr. Hermawan hopes that SEAMEO can become a partner of FIA UB in developing the educational administration study program to an international direction, then Mr. Hermawan also hopes that this collaboration can become an annual program that will continue to be run. (FIA / HumAs UB/ Trans. Iir).