Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya Collaborates with Practitioners for Taxation Course

Faculty of Administrative Science at Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) demonstrates its commitment to innovative and practical education by launching the “Praktisi Mengajar” (Practitioners Teaching) program. This program invites professionals from the workforce to teach in classrooms, providing students with practical insights relevant to industry needs. This semester, the initiative is applied to the Taxation course, conducted online every Saturday morning.

The Taxation course is led by Reika Happy Sugiastuti, S.AB., M.AB., an experienced lecturer at FIA UB. To enrich students’ learning experiences, Reika collaborates with Aprilia Wulandari, S.Pn., a Tax Manager from PT Philips Seafood Indonesia, as a practitioner lecturer. This collaboration aims to integrate theoretical knowledge with real-world practices, allowing students to gain a deeper and more applicable understanding of taxation concepts.

The Practitioners Teaching program aims to bridge the gap between classroom theory and real-world practice. Aprilia Wulandari, with her experience in a multinational company, provides invaluable practical perspectives for students. They not only learn tax theory but also see its application in real situations, including the challenges and solutions faced by practitioners in the field.

This initiative began after the Mid-Semester Exams (UTS) and culminated in a Guest Lecture event held on Saturday, June 22, 2024. Aprilia Wulandari delivered her lecture online, attended by all students taking the Taxation course. The main theme of the session was “Optimizing the Role of Accountants in Business Processes and Tax Audits”.

The session was moderated by Bilgis Rahel Maharsa, a student from the Business Administration Study Program at Universitas Brawijaya. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions and engage directly with Aprilia, creating dynamic interactions that enriched their understanding of the material presented. Positive feedback from students highlighted how beneficial the practitioner’s teaching was.

Faculty of Administrative Science at Universitas Brawijaya hopes this program will continue and serve as a learning model adopted by other universities in Indonesia. The collaboration between FIA UB and practitioners from various fields is a concrete step in creating education that is relevant and adaptive to evolving times, preparing graduates to compete in the global era.