Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya

Faculty of Law UB in collaboration with Van Vollenhoven Institute (VVI) Leiden, Law School, won NUFFIC Orange Knowlegde Program (OKP) grant. The grant funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands is 75 thousand euros or the equivalent of IDR 1.2 billion.

The program proposal submitted by the Center for the Development of Socio-Legal Studies (PPSL) of FH UB related to advanced socio-legal training for legal academics and researchers succeeded in eliminating dozens of proposals from various developing countries submitted to NUFFIC. It is planned that this program will run from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

The Dean of FH UB, Dr. Muchamad Ali Safaat welcomed the success of PPSL in winning this grant. Besides being able to stimulate the spirit of other UB Faculty of Law community in conducting international collaboration, this also in line with the main work program of UB Faculty of Law in conducting internationalization of legal education in Universitas Brawijaya.

The head of PPSL FH UB, Fachrizal Afandi, PhD, said that the Socio-Legal training which will be held by PPSL FH UB will cooperate with the Association of Socio-legal Studies of Indonesia (ASSLESI). This training will take the form of Training for Trainers to build the capacity of a small group of professionals in the campus environment. The main targets of this training are lecturers who teach Socio Legal courses such as Legal Anthropology, Legal Sociology, Legal Politics, Criminology, as well as law lecturers who are interested in integrating such an approach into their doctrinal courses.

Jacqueline Vel, senior researcher at VVI, stated that currently the interest in socio-legal approaches to the study, teaching and application of law in Indonesia is on the rise. According to him, this is because the knowledge generated from this approach is the key to maintaining and protecting the principle of the rule of law. Legal experts who understand socio-legal issues such as how the law operates in practice, how it is institutionally embedded and what are the main threats to the institutional foundation of the rule of law play a central role in fighting for the rule of law. However, according to him, there are still many lecturers who have not found the right model for their socio-legal teaching. Therefore, through this one-year socio-legal ToT training, it is hoped that it will produce models and people who are ready to conduct massive socio-legal research and learning. [fachrizal/siti-rahma/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]