FH Achieves International Accreditation from AQAS

Four Study Programs at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) received International Accreditation from Agentur zur Qualitätssicherung an Hochschulen mit Sitz in Köln (AQAS), an international accreditation agency headquartered in Germany. International accreditation aims to enhance FH’s reputation in the world.

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Muchamad Ali Safa’at, SH., MH said the International Accreditation is valid until 2028. After 2028 there will be a re-accreditation process from AQAS again related to the quality of FH.

“With AQAS Accreditation, people can see that the standards of FH UB are recognized internationally. And with the International Accreditation, it means that we have also met the international quality,” he said.

Dean of Faculty of Law, Dr. Muchamad Ali Safa’at, SH., MH

Ali said that FH had made many preparations due to AQAS visit, including the preparation of self-evaluation documents that had been adapted to international standards to the preparation of a network or internet connection.

“Because yesterday the assessment was still during the pandemic, so the visitation was carried out online. And Alhamdulillah, until the visit to a number of facilities in FH, there were no problems in the network,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Quality Assurance Institute (LPM), Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, S.H., M.H., said that FH has seven criteria so that AQAS can provide International Accreditation.

“Seven criteria were met and received appreciation from panel of AQAS experts, namely curriculum quality, quality assurance procedures, teaching and learning processes and assessments, admissions, quality of lecturers, academic atmosphere, public information,” he said.

In addition to visiting the Faculty of Law, AQAS team also conducted an assessment of the university management.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, drh., DES said that the assessment includes UB’s support for study programs that have adequate learning facilities, which are realized in the form of 3 in 1 programs at UB, joint degrees, international conferences, joint research, and others.

Aul hopes that the accreditation achieved by FH can improve UB’s international reputation.

Four UB study programs have received international accreditation, namely for the Undergraduate of Law program, Master of Law Program, Doctoral Program in Law in Malang and Doctoral Program in Law in Jakarta.

“For the Doctoral Program in Law and Doctoral Program in Jakarta Campus still has to apply for a Conversion Supplementary Instrument to BAN-PT first because it is still B accredited. After getting the results of Good rating Accreditation, then re-apply the conversion with AQAS International Accreditation Certificate to get the Excellent Accreditation rating,” said Shinta. (OKY/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).