Participants and organizers pose for a group photo
It is difficult to handle sexual violence cases involving teachers in religious-based educational institutions because of the patriarchal culture and the strong power relations between the perpetrators and the victims, most of whom are from poor communities. This was stated by representatives of LBH Surabaya Pos Malang City in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme of Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Madrasah Aliyah and Islamic Boarding Schools in Malang City.
Therefore, UB Faculty of Law initiative is welcomed and appreciated by representatives of institutions related to sexual violence. “This FGD strengthens the network for preventing sexual violence in madrasas and Islamic boarding schools in Malang City,” said Sri Wahyuningsih, Head of WCC Dian Mutiara, Thursday (3/8/2023).
This FGD activity was attended by dozens of representatives of institutions namely the Ministry of Religion of Malang City, Malang City Education Office, Malang City Legal Department, Malang City Muhammadiyah Basic Middle Education and Non-formal Education Council, Rabithah Ma’ahid Islamiyah Nahdlatul Ulama Malang City (RMI), Advocates from the Counseling and Legal Assistance for NU Malang City, LBH Surabaya Pos Malang City, Woman Crisis Center Diana Mutiara, Nurul Furqon Islamic Boarding School, MAN 1 Malang City, Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School, Sabilurrosyad Islamic Boarding School, and Al-Hikam Islamic Boarding School.
Dr. Fachrizal Afandi, Head of FH Community Service Lecturer Team, said that this discussion was an effort to prevent and overcome sexual violence in religious-based educational institutions after the enactment of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence and also Regulation of the Minister of Religion number 73 of 2022 on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence.
He said that efforts to prevent sexual violence need to be carried out to protect the dignity of Islamic boarding schools from excessive stigmatization due to a handful of teachers who were convicted for committing crimes of sexual violence.
Representatives from the Ministry of Religion of Malang City admitted that there had been no socialization regarding the Regulation of the Minister of Religion number 73 of 2022 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Educational Institutions they oversee. Therefore, the Ministry of Religion welcomes this initiative and hopes that there will be more concrete cooperation in the future with related parties to further increase efforts to prevent and deal with sexual violence in Malang City.
In line with the Ministry of Religion, representatives of Muhammadiyah Basic Secondary Education Malang City and Non-formal Education Council and also Malang City PCNU RMI agreed that Islamic boarding schools and other faith-based educational institutions must be able to become friendly and safe homes from violence for children.
One of the recommendations that emerged from this FGD was the need for an MoU between religious-based educational institutions and stakeholders who can help optimize the prevention of sexual violence such as counseling institutions, psychologists, legal aid institutions or other relevant institutions.
UB FH service team itself has committed to compiling a module on prevention and handling of sexual violence as an outcome of the service which will be delivered at a follow-up workshop aimed at teachers, Islamic boarding school caretakers and students in September 2023.
This Community Service Program is a program funded by the Research and Community Service Agency of FH UB. This team consists of Ladito Risang Bagaskoro and M Syafrizal Basori and assisted by a team of UB FH students.
The program was carried out in collaboration with the Legal Counseling and Aid Institute (LPBH) and the Research Center for Criminal Justice System of Universitas Brawijaya (PERSADA UB), this FGD activity aims to map the potential for prevention and the right way to deal with sexual violence that occurs in religious-based education environments, especially Madrasah Aliyah and Islamic Boarding School.[team/siti-rahma/ UB PR/Trans. Iir]