FISIP-FIB Berbakti Desa (FBD UB) Group 24 Universitas Brawijaya students completed a mini library revitalization project in Tamansari Village, Ampelgading District, Malang Regency to increase literacy access and provide new impetus to the local community’s reading culture. The mini library that was the focus of this project was previously in less than ideal condition and was no longer functioning because there was no book collection at all and inadequate facilities so that the library was less able to meet the information and reading needs of the community.
“The revitalization of this mini library is one form of our devotion to the community. We believe that better access to books and comfortable learning facilities can encourage reading and support learning outside of school,” said Arza, head of KKN FBD Jantra Group 24.
The student team began the project by conducting a needs analysis to determine aspects that needed to be improved. Based on the analysis results, they carried out a complete overhaul of the library space, including repainting the walls, improving the lighting and rearranging the furniture layout. In addition, they added a collection of books with various genres, from children’s books to adult reference books, to meet the needs of various readers.
Not only focusing on the physical aspects, the students also held various literacy activities to involve the community, especially children and teenagers. They held reading workshops, craft classes, and other educational activities aimed at increasing reading interest and literacy skills.
“We also held joint reading and craft sessions for children so that they would be more interested in books and learning,” explained Audrie, a member of the KKN group who is responsible for the mini library revitalization work program.
The success of this revitalization project received a warm welcome from local residents. Imam, Head of Tamantejo Hamlet, Tamansari Village, expressed his gratitude.
“This change has really changed the atmosphere of the library. Now children who were initially addicted to gadgets are reading books more often and we adults have a comfortable and interesting place to read. We are very grateful for the efforts of the KKN students from UB, especially group 24,” he said enthusiastically.
By involving the community in every stage of revitalization and literacy activities, UB FBD students Group 24 have created a sustainable positive impact. This mini library revitalization project is a real example of the university’s commitment to promote literacy and empowering communities through real action. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]