FBD Group 5 Raises Teenagers’ Awareness to Prevent Catcalling and Early Marriage in Belung Village  

Students of FISIP-FIB Berbakti Desa Universitas Brawijaya (FBD UB) group 05 held a socialization on sex education to raise awareness among teenagers in Belung Village, Malang Regency.

This event was held at Belung Village Hall and collaborated with the local youth organization. This socialization was held because of the rampant verbal sexual harassment commonly called catcalling around Belung Village.

Catcalling is a form of sexual harassment in the form of whistling with a certain intention, vehicle horns, or chatter that leads to sexual activity. The perpetrators of catcalling are often young people who are in groups or gathering. Most of the victims of this harassment are women, but it is possible that men can also become victims.

In addition to the catcalling phenomenon which is still rampant, the high number of cases of early marriage is also a concern in Belung Village. This is evidenced by the increasing birth rate and the large number of babies born with stunting. Stunting can be caused by parents who marry young and are not ready to have children because their knowledge of child development is still very minimal.

This becomes a reference for Universitas Brawijaya’s students, especially group 05 FBD in creating a work program in the form of socialization. The program aims to raise awareness among residents, especially teenagers in Belung Village, in preventing sexual harassment and early marriage.

This socialization presents three experts in their respective fields. Umi Khorirotin Nasichah from the Indonesian Women and Children Protection Community Foundation (KOPPATARA) provides education from a social perspective. Meanwhile, Mustika Meinasty, M.Psi., a psychologist, provides insight from a psychological perspective. Then, Anggri Hendarjati from the Class I Malang Correctional Center (BAPAS) completes it by presenting material using a legal approach.

In this socialization, participants are invited to understand more deeply about the dangers of catcalling and early marriage. So far, people often underestimate catcalling and many still think that catcalling is just a joke. In fact, it should be noted that catcalling is a form of verbal harassment that can have its own impact on the victim.

“When we are catcalled, we often feel angry, afraid, anxious, disgusted, and even dislike ourselves. We start to think negatively about ourselves. This leads to serious problems such as psychological disorders. The long-term impact can cause depression, anxiety, and Body Dysphoria Disorder (BDD). If we are catcalled, there is a physical reaction to our body such as shortness of breath, stiffness, it can lead to high-risk problems. Especially for people who have trauma from sexual violence. When they are catcalled, they will develop PTSD (past trauma),” said one of the speakers, Mustika Meinasty, M.Psi.

The speaker from the Correctional Center (Bapas), Anggri Hendarjati said that as a society in a country of law, we must be aware that everything we do has legal implications. When doing something, remember that there are rules. Catcalling is a form of non-physical violence.

“Whistling is usually considered a joke, but if the victim or the target feels uncomfortable or angry, they can file a complaint. Keep in mind that just catcalling has six laws waiting,” he said.

In addition to catcalling, this socialization also explores early marriage in more depth. The high number of early marriages in this village is a complex problem that is influenced by various factors. In the ongoing socialization session, the speaker from KOPPATARA, Umi Khorirotin Nasichah, clearly explained the data on early marriages and their impacts.

“Although the process of applying for early marriage is difficult, Malang Regency has quite a record in being the second highest area with early marriages during the Covid period and Poncokusumo District is the first area to occupy the highest place in Malang Regency. The cause is socializing, some get pregnant first (sexual violence by boyfriends). The impact can experience baby blues,” she said.

The socialization that has been held is expected to provide benefits for all residents of Belung Village, especially for teenagers. With a broader understanding of important issues such as sexual harassment and early marriage, teenagers are expected to be more alert and able to take appropriate preventive measures so as to minimize the recurrence of similar cases. (*/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

  From Berita UB