Lecturers of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) carry out community service activities in Sidomulya Hamlet, Bangelan Village, Kromengan, Sunday (6/11/2022). The team is chaired by Dr. Marjuki consists of Prof. Hartutik, Prof. Kusmartono, Dr. Hermanto, Asri Nurul Huda, M.Sc., and Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, M.Sc. They also involved undergraduate students, including Galuh Fitria Yolanda, Indah Kartika Sari, Yuli Nur Latifah, Moh. ALif Fayqol Azmi, and Devan Puji Dewantara.
Activities are packaged in the form of counseling and assistance for dairy goats for the Karya Mulya livestock group. According to Asri, the dairy goat population there is high and has the potential to be developed. In addition, the availability of forage is also abundant because of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII which cultivates coffee.
However, due to the limited knowledge of farmers, feeding is not optimal. The team from Fapet UB provides socialization about the use of concentrate to increase goat’s milk production and processed feed using lamtoro that grows between coffee trees.
The head of the group, Dadang said that the assistance for the last two years from Fapet UB had a good impact and farmers’ awareness of the use of concentrate for dairy goats. Meanwhile, the Hamlet Head who is also a millennial breeder, Rizal said that the youth of Sidomulyo Hamlet hoped that this activity could be carried out in a sustainable manner to increase milk production of dairy goats. (dta/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)