An effort in achieving national beef self-sufficiency is strengthening local beef cattle breeding. So that it can increase the population of beef cattle and reduce the number of imported beef and processed products.
This is proposed by the Lecturer of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB), Prof. Trinil Susilawati.
She, together with the meat cattle study centers of UB team and Bank Indonesia, formed a beef cattle cluster program in Senggreng Village, Sumberpucung District, Malang Regency.
“According to the results of our surveys and observations, the cattle breeders there have potential to the implementation on the beef cattle breeding cluster program. Thus, we would like to make a commercial-based pilot beef cattle breeding system. The activitiey we carry out is in synergy with the government program which is called as SIKOMANDAN, “explained Trinil.
The first activity was carried out with the beef cattle cluster socialization program to the Senggreng Village “Rojo Koyo” cattle group, Monday (24/8/2020). Followed by Artificial Insemination (IB) assistance by using two doses (two straws for one IB) to 53 cows.
Even though it is done face to face, the activitiey was carried out according to health protocols. The activity was attended by the Dean of Fapet UB, Head of Malang Regency Animal Husbandry Office, Head of Senggreng Village, and representatives of the Head of Bank Indonesia Malang.
In the previous year, the group research team led by Prof. Trinil has succeeded in fostering beef cattle groups in Tuban and Bojonegoro districts to win national achievements.
“We hope that the beef cattle cluster program in Senggreng Village will also reap success like our fostered cattle groups in Tuban Regency and Bojonegoro Regency,” she concluded (nien / dta / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).