Vocational Faculty Declares War Against Sexual Violence, Bullying, and  LGBT

The Vocational Faculty of Brawijaya University (UB) held a Declaration of Campus Free of Sexual Violence, Bullying and LGBT Acts at Pertamina Sport Center Brawijaya University which was attended by the Dean, Vice Deans, Head of the Quality Assurance Group, Head and Secretary of the Department, Head of the Study Program, Head of the Unit, Academic Civitas of Vocational Faculty, Chair of the Dharma Wanita Association of Campus Friends and Students, (29/9/2023). This activity presented two presenters, namely Dr. Dr. Sinta Murlistyarini, Sp D.V.E, SubSp DKE and Dr. Lucky Endrawati, S.H., M.H moderated by Susilowati S.Sos M.AB

Dr. Dr. Sinta Murlistyarini, Sp D.V.E, SubSp DE provided material on Efforts to Prevent Sexual Violence and Bullying. In this material, she emphasized the importance of reporting acts of sexual violence, bullying, or relations to LGBT issues. After reporting the incident, the team will provide assistance to the victim. The report submitted must include details about how the incident occurred, and data regarding the victim and perpetrator will be kept confidential. The main purpose of reporting is to ensure complete data for appropriate follow-up monitoring and treatment, such as psychological assistance, counseling by a psychiatrist, or even medical examinations such as a post-mortem if necessary. And then continued with the second material presentation session by Dr. Lucky Endrawati, S.H., M.H. regarding Legal Handling of Perpetrators and Survivors of Sexual Violence. She emphasized that cases of sexual violence, bullying and LGBT issues do not recognize victim status, because perpetrators can commit these acts whenever they have the opportunity. In cases of bullying, the perpetrator can be punished with years in prison.

Therefore, if someone encounters bullying, it is important to report it immediately and prevent it well before it becomes a more serious problem.

The Dean of UB Vocational Faculty, Mukhamad Kholid Mawardi, S.Sos., M.A.B., Ph.D, said that this activity was the first step to take precautions against acts of sexual violence, bullying and LGBT. Namely educating students and the academic community to avoid becoming victims or perpetrators.

Susilowati S.Sos M.AB as the chief executive and Chair of ULTKSP, Vocational Faculty, Brawijaya University, hopes that after holding this activity, it can minimize the occurrence of sexual violence, bullying, LGBT in the campus environment (sa/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)