Faculty of engineering Wins Three Gold Medals at Youth International Science Fair

Tim Legi Techno

The first team was led by Ihza Aulia Rahman (TE’18) consisting of Abdul Mudjib Sulaiman W (TM’18), Rizki Chandra Maulana (TE’18), Anima Rahmatika P (Chemistry ‘18), and Charis Maulana (Engineering ’19) created a work called Rotation.

Rotation is an innovation that utilizes reverse osmosis and thermoelectricity to convert industrial waste heat into electricity and clean water.

The second team was chaired by Yudika Putra Perdana Pangaribuan (TE’19). Yudika and the team made the Agricultural Expansion application or abbreviated as Agri-X.


AGRI-X is expected to be an innovative application for millennial generation in improving the welfare and capacity of farmers in supporting food self-sufficiency in Indonesia.

In making this application, Yudika collaborated with Cecilia Fauziah and Anton Meilus Putra (Faculty of Agriculture), Rhobithotus Mufidah (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences), and Rifqi Aqil Asyrof (Faculty of Economics and Business).

The third team was chaired by Adrian Adam Indrabayu (TE’19). Together with the team he created an artificial photosynthetic system called Fetallic.

Tim Fetallic

Fetallic, which was created together with his four colleagues, Yudika Putra PP (TE’19), Kenny Aldebaran Roberts (TE’19), Adita Aulia A Rachman (TE’19), and Erina Azahra Amalia (Chemical Engineering ‘19), were able to reduce carbon dioxide emission even converts it into electrical energy.

The three teams are the guidance team of one of FT UB Electrical Engineering lecturers, Ir. Nurussa’adah M.T.

Alhamdulillah, the three of them can take part in the international level. Hopefully we can continue working, provide enthusiasm and motivation for other students, “said the Secretary of Electrical Engineering Department who is familiarly called Mrs. Rosa.

YISF 2021 itself is a series of activities held by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) in collaboration with BUCA IMSEF, Turkey, Malaysia Innovation Invention Creativity Association (MIICA), The Union of Arab Academics, the Actuarial Department of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, and Science Hunter Indonesia.

This competition that brings together extraordinary ideas from various countries provides valuable experience for the participants.

“This is not the first time we have participated in an international competition, but the atmosphere of the competition is still there. Seeing great ideas together, makes the team more excited to move forward. Hopefully the ‘Legi Techno team’ can be developed into a startup in the future, “said Ihza, chairman of ‘Legi Techno Team’. (mic / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)