Through the international scientific association initiation grant program from the Directorate of Innovation and Educational Development of Universitas Brawijaya (DIPP UB), the AIDS, Toxoplasma, Opportunistic Disease, and Malaria Study Group of the Faculty of Medicine UB (KK ATOM FKUB) held an event to establish “Association of ASEAN Biomedical Science and Medical Technology” on Monday (2/12/2024), at the Faculty of Medicine UB (FKUB), Malang. Through the establishment of a collaborative association that partners with ASEAN countries, KK ATOM FKUB is committed to maximizing one of the pillars of the UB Strategic Plan (Renstra) for the 2022-2027 period by implementing of international collaboration to strengthen the quality of three aspects of the tridharma of higher education which includes education, research, and community service. This event is also a form of real implementation of FKUB’s mission in the field of integrated medicine and health with international standards.
The international association formed by KK ATOM is a collaborative program of several universities, namely Universitas Brawijaya, University of the Philippines, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, and the Islamic University of Indonesia. This activity aims to form a multinational scientific collaboration in the fields of Biomedical Sciences and Medical Technology. This collaboration will focus on studies for the development of diagnostic kits, medical devices and drugs, especially in the field of Tropical Medicine. Through UB’s collaboration with other universities in ASEAN countries, it is hoped that this collaboration can become a forum for the development of research innovations and strengthen academic networks between researchers in the field of Biomedical Sciences.
The establisment ceremony of the Association of ASEAN Biomedical Science and Medical Technology was opened directly by Prof. Dr. dr. Wisnu Barlianto, M.Sc., Med., Sp.A (K) as the Dean of FKUB. In his speech and opening, Prof. Wisnu expressed his appreciation for the steps taken by KK ATOM in establishing an international association which he said was in line with UB’s international activities, and also supported FKUB’s active participation in achieving the goal of increasing the World University Ranking.
“The establishment of this international association is a real form that FKUB through KK ATOM has actively participated in achieving UB’s goal of entering the Top 500 World Universities based on the QS World University Ranking,” explained Prof. Wisnu.
At the event, Prof. Dr. dr. Loeki Enggar Fitri, M.Kes., Sp.ParK as the chairman of KK ATOM also gave a warm welcome to all participants and partners and several universities that were present. In his speech, Prof. Prof. Loeki conveyed the goals and expectations of the formation of the international association.
“Through the association that was formed, it will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices to improve the quality of research by FKUB and partner universities. This partnership gives us opportunities for collaborative research, joint projects, and resource development to address complex challenges in Biomedical Sciences, so that this association is not only beneficial for its members, but also for the wider community,” said Prof. Loeki.

(Dokumentasi Pribadi)
The event was continued with a Mini-Symposium with several speakers from UB and all partner universities. The Mini-Symposium raised the theme “From Bench to Bedside: Latest Breakthroughs in Point-of-Care Testing”. The first speaker, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Werasak Surareungchai from KMUTT delivered material entitled Insight Point of Care Testing in the Medical Field. The second material was delivered by Angelo dela Tonga, M.Sc from UP with the topic Point-of-Care Testing for HIV: Innovations in Rapid Diagnostics for Inclusive Medical Technology. The next speaker was Prof. Dr. Akhmad Sabarudin, M.Sc from UB who delivered Nano Composite-based Electrochemical Immunoassay for Voltametric Determination of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen. The last material was delivered by Muhammad Hatta Prabowo, S.F., M.Si., Ph.D with the topic Nano-Biosensor & POCT for Infectious Disease Detection. The Mini-Symposium event, which was attended by several participants in a hybrid manner, was the first step of the association which was formed to demonstrate its active participation in the advancement of science in the field of Biomedical Science and Medical Technology.
The event was then continued with a Focus Group Discussion on the signing of a letter of agreement and the inauguration of all partner universities for the Association of ASEAN Biomedical Science and Medical Technology. It was mutually agreed that the association that was formed would be a forum for the development of research innovation and strengthening academic networks between researchers in the field of Biomedical Science and Medical Technology through several main programs such as organizing international seminars or conferences, international training, and joint research and joint publications programs. This meeting also produced a draft article that will be published together in a reputable international journal.
After the event was over, KK ATOM together with dr. Happy Kurnia Permatasari, Ph.D as the head of the International Relations Office (IRO) FKUB also agreed to extend the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with KMUTT. The collaboration with KMUTT has been actively ongoing since 2019 so it is important to have an extension of the MOA so that the collaboration can continue. “FKUB has previously signed an MOA with KMUTT and at the end of this year an extension of the MOA with KMUTT is needed so that we can continue to collaborate in the development of science and research,” said dr. Happy.
It is hoped that the association and cooperation that have been well established can improve the performance and activeness of FKUB, especially KK ATOM in carrying out publication and innovation activities internationally in the field of Biomedical Science and Medical Technology. (*/Humas UB).