FEB Expert Talk Management Entrepreneur Day 2024

The Department of Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya (FEB UB), held an Expert Talk session as part of a series of Management Entrepreneur Day 2024 events, Tuesday (21/5/2024). This activity discussed the topic “Public Sector Leaders Reshaping Smart City Branding Horizon” which presented two speakers, namely the Regent of Ngawi, Ony Anwar Harsono, ST., MH, and the Assistant for Economy and Development of Gresik Regency Misbahul Munir, S.Sos., M.Si.

The session began with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Abdul Ghofar, SE., M.Si., DBA., Ak,. In his speech, he thanked the two speakers who were willing to share their time to provide views on Smart City.

He also highlighted the relevance of this topic to current conditions, where smart city development is increasingly widespread.

“Agriculture is a very important component, but this component could be a very big problem. I hope that students can have solutions to solve current problems. This opportunity will certainly be very valuable,” said the Dean of FEB UB.

Then the event continued with a discussion session regarding “Smart City” in two different areas, namely Ngawi and Gresik. The session was moderated by Radityo Putro Handrito, SE., MM., Ph.D, Secretary of the Department of Management.

In the presentation delivered by the Regent of Ngawi with the title “Ngawi Regency The Smart Farming City,” he explained several programs carried out to support the Smart Farming City concept, such as the development of MOL/POC barns in every village, Agro Techno Park (Agricultural Education and Training Center ), Gema Parut (planting movement by utilizing household yards), Ngawi Millennial Farmers Association, and SIKETAN (Farmer Extension Activity Information System).

Furthermore, the Economic and Development Assistant of Gresik Regency explained about Quick Win 2023, such as Gresik-Intelligence Operational Platform, Revitalization of Kota Tua-Bandar Grisee, training and empowerment program for women’s businesses or Bunda Puspa, Universal Health Care (Health Insurance Services), Early Warning System , and Processing waste into briquettes.

After presentation session, the event were continued with a question and answer session. Students enthusiastically asked questions about the material that had been presented. It is hoped that this activity will produce many solutions to various problems around us (an,2024/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).


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