The Performance Accountability Unit (SAK) of Brawijaya University on Monday (27/11) carried out an online evaluation of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP). This evaluation is an effort to account for performance during the 2023 performance period.
Every government agency is required to carry out SAKIP evaluation as a form of bureaucratic reform within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. In contrast to previous years, the 2023 SAKIP evaluation desk no longer refers to Ministerial Decree No. 88 of 2021. However, it refers to Permendikbudristek No. 40 of 2022 and Ministerial Decree No. 210/M/2023. With this new regulation, the Evaluation Worksheet (LKE) also uses a new format.
Attended by the Chairman of SAK, Dr. Ating Yuniarti, S.Pi., M.Aqua., representative of Deputy SAK namely Dr. Sc. Siti Mariyah Ulfa, S.Sc., M.Sc. as (Deputy for Performance Control, Planning and Budget) and Nimas Mayang S. S., S.TP., M.P., Ph.D. as (Deputy of Accountability and Reporting) the 2023 SAKIP SAK UB evaluation desk between Brawijaya University and the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture went smoothly and succeeded in obtaining Good Predicate (A).
Deputy for Accountability and Reporting, Nimas Mayang S. S., S.TP., M.P., Ph.D., explained that this year’s SAKIP evaluation was indeed slightly different from previous years both technically and in regulations, however, in substance the evaluation was not much different.
Even though it has received a Good title, according to Dr. Ating and Team, of course SAK UB is still waiting for the official LKE signed by the Inspector General and the leadership. SAK UB will continue to strive to improve agency performance as a form of public accountability to the community. “We really welcome any input and suggestions from the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology as the work unit evaluator and will be used as material for follow-up plans for the SAKIP evaluation next year,” she said. (SAK/VQ/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)