A correctional institution (prison) is a place to carry out the function of coaching prisoners. In addition, prisons will guarantee the protection of rights for inmates and provide access to improve themselves, obtain education and training. Even though its function is to provide guidance, this institution has not escaped the slanted assessments of its former residents.
Reviewing the reality in society regarding ex-convicts is very sad. The stigma given to former prisoners often has a negative tone, making them individuals who lack self-confidence and are often ostracized by their surroundings. This assumption results in difficulty in getting a job or returning to the previous work environment.
Based on these problems, the Student Creativity Program team in Community Service from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya initiated a digital training program. The training initiated by Empowermates includes skills in the fields of digital marketing, financial management, and self-development training aimed at inmates at the Class I Correctional Institution, Lowokwaru, Malang.
Empowermates is chaired by Ika Saputri Ningsih from the Faculty of Economics and Business. Together with Elieva Septia Putri, Mayang Mulya, Muhammad Roihan Barier, Muhammad Shalih Fauzan who was supervised by Dr. Virginia Nur Rahmanti SE., MSA., Ak will hold community service for the inmates for the next month. This program is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Universitas Brawijaya through the Student Creativity Program in Community Service in 2024.
“Based on the interviews we conducted previously, Malang Class 1 Prison has provided a lot of training such as training in mushroom cultivation, batik, fisheries and others, but digital marketing, financial management and self-development training has never been provided. The inmates can produce a quality product but are not yet able to promote and introduce it to the wider community, so we are focusing on providing digital marketing training.” said Ika.
“In today’s digital era, it is very important for someone who owns a business to have skills in digital marketing. Digital marketing is considered more cost efficient compared to traditional marketing so it can reduce marketing costs.” added Salih.
The first meeting of the Empowermates team provided training regarding self-development training and financial management. The inmates welcomed them warmly and participated in the training well. They are enthusiastic about learning as proven by their active participation in discussions. This is a trigger and basic knowledge before proceeding to digital marketing training.
“The self-development training is expected to increase the inmates’ self-confidence and accept themselves and evaluate the mistakes they have made so that they don’t repeat it again. They learn to set life goals after they leave prison. Many want to be accepted back by their families and community members. Moreover, there are inmates who want to open a business.” said Sipta.
With this training program, it is hoped that it can change society’s stigma towards inmates and be able to improve digital marketing skills and implement them to market their products while in prison. (ika/VQ/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)