Eye Health Education with Bunga and Langit

The Covid-19 pandemic that hit during the last 2 years has an impact on habits and health, one of which is eye health. Furthermore, excessive exposure to gadgets in children during the pandemic also has an impact on eye health, one of which is eye fatigue, in adults and children. Based on this problem, three doctors from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya released a comic with the theme of eye health, titled Bunga and Langit.

From left to right : Dr. dr. Nanda Wahyu Anandita, Sp. M(K), Dr. dr. Lely Retno Wulandari, Sp.M (K) and Dr. dr. Dhelya Widhasmara, Sp.KK (K)

Dr. dr. Dhelya Widasmara, SpDV, Dr. dr. Nanda Wahyu Anandita, Sp. M (K) and dr. Lely Retno Wulandari, Sp.M are three authors of a comic entitled Bunga and Langit the Little Doctor Vol.2: Let’s Take Care of Our Eye Health from Gadgets. Taking the theme of eye health, these three lecturers tried to introduce diseases caused by gadgets, one of which is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

“Every year, in the framework of National Children’s Day, I issue a comic according to the theme. This year, according to the sub-theme of Children’s Day, namely Resilient Children Post Pandemic, I chose the theme of eye health. Moreover, in the past two years, we’ve been staring at gadgets more often. After this pandemic, what needs to be pursued is how to return to outdoor activities, for example playing kites again. Parents also need to set an example for their children about using gadgets wisely,” he explained.

In addition to the symptoms of CVS, the Bunga and Langit comic also provides an understanding of the use of glasses and guidelines for maintaining eye health. “Doctors Nanda and Doctor Lely are sub-specialist pediatric ophthalmologists, so it is easier to convey about children’s eye health. Some of our reasons for making this comic, there are, the many complaints and concerns from parents who are currently finding it increasingly difficult to break the habit of screen time for their children. Even though we know how the problems that will arise after the pandemic occurs and the habit of children playing with computers, laptops, cellphones, tablets and other gadgets in the long term will cause Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) which will make the eyes blurry, lack of focus, and also make the eyes dry,” said dr. Dhelya.

Through this comic, both Dhelya and Nanda and Lely hope to provide understanding to children, especially elementary school students, to pay attention to and maintain eye health. “In this comic, there is education on the effects of too long screen time and the symptoms of CVS. We also try to invite you not to be afraid to go to a specialist. Because the eyes are the window to the world, and also the children’s assets in the future,” he concluded. (Anang/VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans.Iir)