DWP UB Provides Scholarships for Child of UB Academic Community

Head of DWP UB, Dr. Sri WInarsih Giving Educational Assistance to One of the Recipients

One of the tasks of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, a community service is an important element. This is realized by Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) UB by providing educational assistance to the child of UB academic community on Friday (10/06/2021) in UB Dharma Wanita Room.

This DWP annual routine agenda is carried out in compliance with strict health protocols. Dyah Krisnawati as the Head of Education Division of DWP UB explained that this scholarship will be given to one recipient of tuition fees per faculty with a total of 17 recipients.

“With this educational assistance, hopefully it can help to pay for school or to buy stationery for their children. And hopefully next year we can embrace the Civitas in UB Kediri, which so far is still hampered by coordination with the DWP UB Kediri, “said Dyah.

Dr. Sri Winarsih Nuhfil Hanani as the Head of DWP added that next year when the pandemic is over, DWP will add programs in the field of education, in addition to providing scholarships, they also providing assistance with textbooks to students and lectures related to educational programs to improve the quality and insight of UB civitas’s daughters.

“In the future we have planned to increase the number of recipients of educational assistance by adding more than one person per faculty,” added Dr. Sri Winarsih.[dp/ Trans. Iir]


  From Berita UB

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