Group 9 of Community Service (PKM) of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) carried out one of the main work programs in the form of socializing anti-bullying attitudes and learning discipline to students at SDN 4 Plaosan, Sundan Hamlet, Plaosan Village, Malang Regency on Tuesday (16/07/24). In this activity, students used story telling media in delivering materials and pocket books to attract students’ attention. This socialization activity has several series that are carried out in 3 consecutive days, namely from July 15 – July 17, 2024 from 09.30 to 12.00 WIB at SDN 4 Plaosan. The series of activities carried out consist of approaching to students, socializing materials and closing.
On the first day, the students first approached the students through various fun games, such as guessing games, word-chains, and guessing words. The activity went smoothly and received extraordinary enthusiasm from the students. Furthermore, on the second day, the core of the work program by group 9 of PKM FH UB students was the socialization of anti-bullying attitudes and learning discipline. This socialization was carried out by reading a story about anti-bullying attitudes and learning discipline, then they were given questions. In addition, as a form of souvenir, students prepared cardboard containing the signatures of each elementary school student which would later be installed in the classroom.
This activity aims to increase legal awareness of students at SDN 4 Plaosan regarding the negative impacts of bullying behavior. Bullying itself is a form of oppression by a person or group intentionally against another person and is carried out continuously. Currently, bullying is one of the problems that often occurs in the school environment. It is oftenly found that students who are victims of bullying experience excessive fear and trauma later.
In Article 77 of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection which reads “Treating children in a discriminatory manner that results in children experiencing material or moral losses that hinder their social function is punishable by a maximum of 5 years in prison and/or a maximum fine of IDR 100,000,000.00”. This is an important point that bullying attitudes not only cause physical and mental losses, but also violate applicable norms.
“This bullying actually started from jokes between students which ended in misunderstandings or hurt feelings.” said Mrs. Ifa as the Principal
“Not all children are silent when bullied by their friends. Bullying can be prevented and handled by guiding or warning children not to criticize, insult friends, and not to discriminate between friends. At SDN 4 Plaosan itself, children are not classified based on their background and all children are equal in achieving education,” she added in response to the increasingly rampant bullying.
Mrs. Ifa also hopes that this work program can be useful and beneficial for students by adding creative material applications through story telling so that it is easy to understand.
Bullying and learning discipline are important components in influencing the quality of education and student welfare. Handling bullying requires cooperation between schools, parents, and the community to create a safe space for students. Meanwhile, learning discipline is the key to achieving academic, non-academic success, and sustainable character development. With discipline, you can create good learning habits, manage time effectively, and achieve your goals for the future. Hopefully, this can be a joint effort in educating and supporting students to create a superior, competitive, and characterful generation. (nasywa/dzilla/wdd/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)