The team from the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Universitas Brawijaya was led by Dr. Sunarti, S.Sos, MAB identifies the potential and problems that exist in the planning area, provides direction and recommendations for structuring and developing the tourist area according to regional environmental rules and has aesthetics as an attractive tourist destination at Pacar Beach and Molang Beach, Tulungagung Regency.
The team consists of team members, namely Ar. Iwan Wibisono, ST., MT., IAI. and Pitoyo Widhi Atmoko, S.Si., M.Si who provided assistance in the focus group discussion (FGD), Friday (21/6/2024). Assisted by a support team consisting of Daniar Larasati, S.P.W.K, Sayu Amalia Irwanto, S.P.W.K, Shifa Damayanti, S.P.W.K and Deassy Permatasari Widjajaningsih, SP.
“In the Regional Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPARDA) document, Pacar Beach and Molang Beach are tourist attractions with the general theme of Adventure Tourism. Adventure Tourism which was adapted to the planning of Pacar Beach and Molang Beach is a soft adventure which is an adventure theme for fun and does not require previous experience,” said Sunarti.

It was further explained that the development of the Pacar Beach and Molang Beach areas was realized through programs in the form of improving the quality of tourist attractions and optimizing tourist attractions through developing camping grounds, developing children’s playgrounds, creating parks, reforesting forests, rehabilitating viewing towers, building boardwalks, and development of trail motorbike tracks. Improving the quality of supporting facilities is carried out through programs to improve the quality and quantity of existing eating places, developing a food court, developing souvenir shops, providing prayer facilities, constructing main gates, providing a visitor information center (TIC), constructing bathrooms, and rehabilitating gazebos. Improving the quality of infrastructure is carried out by building clean water networks, roads, waste, drainage, waste water and electricity networks.
Improving the quality of infrastructure is carried out by building clean water networks, roads, waste, drainage, waste water and electricity networks. Apart from the physical things attached to the Pacar Beach and Molang Beach tourist attractions, a development program to increase tourism products in the form of attractions or cultural festivals, souvenirs, increase human resources for tourism management through training and tourism promotion via social media is carried out. With the arrangements and promotions that have been prepared, Pacar Beach and Molang Beach are expected to attract more investors and tourists, both domestic and foreign in increasing regional income, inseparable from the cooperation of various parties including Pokdarwis, BUMDes Karya Usaha, Tourism Office, Industry Service and Trade, Department of Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises, Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning, and investors.
These recommendations were given to the Tulungagung Regency Regional Research and Innovation Agency headed by Dr. Adi Prasetiya, S.E., M.M. Recommendations regarding the potential for development areas with beautiful natural views and strategic locations along the Southern Cross Road (JLS) are one of the considerations for determining the coastal area not only as an adventure tourist spot but as a temporary resting place with the area concept of “Release Tiredness, Find Harmony” . [team/sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]