The Medical Sciences Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB) on Monday (24/6/2024) carried out the Dissemination/Promotion of Doctorates in the field of Ophthalmology/Infection and Immunology Dr. Dr. Ovi Sofia, Sp.M(K).
The activity of presenting the results of dissertation research and future thoughts by Dr. Dr. Ovi Sofia, Sp.M(K) was held in the 6th Floor Auditorium, A Building of FK UB.
Apart from being attended by family, relatives and the promotion team, this dissemination was also attended by the Dean of FK UB, Dr. Dr. Wisnu Barlianto, M.Si., Med., SpA(K). Meanwhile, the promoter team itself consists of Prof. Dr. Dr. Loeki Enggar Fitri, M.Kes., Sp.ParK (Promoter), Dr. Dr. Seskoati Prayitnaningsih, Sp.M (K) (Co-Promoter 1), Dr. Dr. Hani Susianti, Sp.PK(K) (Co-Promoter 2), and Prof.Dr.dr. Teguh Wahju S, DTM&H., M.Sc., SpParK. (Examiner 1), dr. Hidayat Sujuti, SpM.(K)., Ph.D (Examiner 2), and Prof. Dr. Suhardjo, SU., SpM. (K) (External Examiner).
With the dissertation title “Analysis of Th1, Th17, Treg and Th1 Immune Response Cytokine Levels and Tear Lactoferrin Levels as Risk Factors for Ocular Toxoplasmosis”, Dr. Ovi in her presentation said that the aim of her research was based on deep interest and concern for cases of ocular toxoplasmosis which is the most common cause of posterior uveitis in Indonesia.
Ocular toxoplasmosis has enormous clinical and social impact, as it has the potential to cause permanent loss of vision, and carries a lifelong risk of recurrence for individuals who have been exposed to Toxoplasma gondii infection.
From the results of her research, Dr. Ovi conveyed 11 conclusions where the overall results showed that the Th1, Th17 and Treg immune responses played a role in the occurrence of TO, but the role of the Th1 immune response was more dominant than Th17 and Treg.
From these conclusions, Dr. Ovi also conveyed several suggestions for carrying out further research, including further research to analyze the potential of IFN-α as a biological marker to predict the occurrence of OT in seropositive groups, analyzing the influence of genetic polymorphisms in genes coding for cytokines, which might influence the results of this study, prospective research with a longer research time, grouping samples according to the stage of infection and comparing cytokine profiles in serum with aqueous humor in patients with atypical OT lesions, as well as incorporating all the factors that have been studied, demographic data and clinical parameters into a machine learning algorithm to obtain biological markers that can predict the occurrence of OT in a group of seropositive individuals. (ronny/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)