UB Lecturers Increases Tri Dharma Capacity in Borneo Marine Research Institute

FPIK DOKAR Team in Malaysia

A team of lecturers from Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has once again demonstrated its commitment to improving the quality of Tri Dharma through the Lecturer Works (DOKAR) program. In the 2024 period, the team led by Lutfi Nimatus Salamah, S.Pi., M.Eng, successfully carried out a series of intensive DOKAR activities at Borneo Marine Research Institute (BMRI), University of Malaysia Sabah.

The activity, which lasted for five days, from September 30 to October 4, 2024, involved a number of experienced lecturers, including Prof. Dr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi, M.Si, Dr. Ir. Umi Zakiyah, M.Si, and Attabik M Amrillah, S.Si., M.Si. This year’s DOKAR activities are on testing the toxicity of herbicides and heavy metal mercury (Hg) in Artemia, as well as discussing the reconstruction of the curriculum of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program and community service.

“This year’s DOKAR activity is a follow-up to our visit to BMRI last year. We see great potential for closer cooperation in the fields of academics, community service and aquatic research,” said Lutfi Nimatus Salamah.

One of the activities highlighted was the toxicity testing workshop. In this workshop, lecturers and researchers from both universities shared knowledge and experiences regarding effective and efficient toxicity testing methods. The results of this research are expected to provide a significant contribution to the management of the aquatic environment, especially related to pollution by hazardous chemicals.

In addition to the workshop, the DOKAR team also held a focus group discussion forum (FGD) to discuss the reconstruction of the curriculum of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program. In this FGD, participants discussed the relevance of the curriculum to the latest developments in science and technology, as well as the needs of the job market.

“Through curriculum reconstruction, we hope to produce graduates who have the competencies needed by industry and are able to answer the increasingly complex challenges of managing water resources,” added Prof. Uun Yanuhar.

The visit to BMRI also provided an opportunity for lecturers to strengthen their network of cooperation with researchers in Malaysia. This collaboration is expected to produce joint scientific publications and international-scale research projects.

From this activity, the community service team from FPIK hopes to provide many benefits for Universitas Brawijaya, both in terms of increasing the capacity of lecturers and developing research. In the future, it is hoped that similar activities can continue to be carried out sustainably to support the development of science and technology in Indonesia. “We hope that the collaboration with BMRI can continue and produce works that are beneficial to the community,” concluded Lutfi. (ATT/VQ/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

  From Berita UB