Diabetes mellitus (DM) becomes a serious threat to human health since it can cause chronic complications. Macrovascular and microvascular complications will arise due to uncontrolled DM, one of them is in the DM foot which known as Diabetic Foot Syndrome (DFS). DFS can cause nerve disorders in the DM foot, and affects the quality of life of people with DM.
Treatment for diabetic foot problems has been focused on wound healing. Some of these are wound treatment and care, infection management and vascular management. Meanwhile, the treatment before the injury is still using therapy to reduce symptoms with a pharmacological approach.
This became the background for the dissertationof Ns. Heri Kristianto, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB entitled “Development of Neuromuscular Taping Algorithms for Clinical Improvement of Microcirculation Disorders in Diabetic Feet”. The Open Dissertation Examination was held online, Tuesday (25/05/2021).
In his research, the lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing at the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya who is currently pursuing his doctorate at the University of Indonesia, has developed and studied the management of improving peripheral circulation in diabetic feet as an effort to prevent diabetic foot ulcers as a sign of further complications.
According to Heri, the Neuromuscular Taping (NMT) method can be an option for supporting interventions from existing therapies, since it does not affect the activity of clients with plaster attached. Therefore, NMT has the opportunity to be developed and applied as a support in the management of diabetic foot by providing patient support to stay active.
NMT is a method of placing a plaster on the skin of the foot using a special plaster that has been modified in shape, length and width of the tape according to clinical indications.
“In clinical trials that have been conducted using the Fan form and I as a basis for improving microcirculation in diabetic foot neuropathy. The results obtained provide benefits in improving foot skin moisture, capillary structure and neuropathic pain response, “explained Heri.
Promovendus hopes that the results of this study can support the development of nonpharmacological pain management in the field of nursing, particularly in the care of diabetic feet.
“Hopefully this research can provide new hope in the management of diabetic foot apart from a pharmacological approach,” he said.
Through this dissertation, Heri was declared to have graduated as the 105th Doctor of Nursing from the Faculty of Nursing (FIK) UI with a GPA of 3.94 and cum laude, which was taken within 2 years and 9 months.
Dr. Heri Kristianto was born in Madiun, November 26, 1982. The husband of Ratih Damayanti, M.SE and father of Fedora Abigail Alexandrina studied undergraduate and nurse education at FK-UB, as well as Masters and Specialist in Medical Surgical Nursing at the University of Indonesia. During his doctoral study in Nursing at the University of Indonesia since 2018, he has produced seven articles as the main author published in reputable international journals. In addition to serving as a lecturer in the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya since 2006 until now, he is also an independent practitioner of medical surgical nursing in the area of foot care, wounds, and diabetes educator. [Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]