UB Lecturers Initiates Community Empowernment entitled “PARAS BUMIL”

A team of lecturers from the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) and several faculties at UB initiated a community empowerment program entitled “PARAS BUMIL” (Platform for Healthy Children and Pregnant Women) as a Means of Education for the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) in Madiun Regency, Tuesday (25 /7/2023).

This event provided education about stunting and stress management training by the resource person and chairman, namely Ns. Renny Nova, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J. In addition, the event began with Brain Gym and Healthy Toddler Gymnastics so that it was even more exciting and lively. As many as 15 pregnant women and 45 mothers with toddlers aged 0-3 years demonstrated gymnastic movements having fun together through the videos shown.

“Have you all attended an event like this related to stunting prevention and managing stress?” All participants answered unanimously the question from the speaker, “Don’t you ever, Madam…”. One of the participants also revealed “I now know that my child’s growth and development is optimal, including by consuming nutritious food, playing actively and also doing sports such as toddler gymnastics which was already practiced earlier.”

The activity, which was held at Mojorayung Village Hall, aims to increase knowledge and awareness for pregnant women and mothers with toddlers to maintain health by regularly consuming a balanced nutritious diet, carrying out routine physical activities, getting enough sleep, having regular health checks and managing stress.

Besides providing education and training, this activity also presented games and lots of interesting door prizes, provided leaflets and additional food consisting of bananas, oranges, chicken lemper and fresh milk ready to drink. This is intended so that mothers are more motivated to maintain their pregnancy and optimize the growth and development of the baby.

“Following follow-up plans, a platform for healthy children and pregnant women will be designed, so that health workers, cadres and mothers can more easily access information related to child development anytime and anywhere so that knowledge transfer is evenly distributed, maternal and child health services are better, the prevalence of stunting can be suppressed,” said Ns. Renny Nova, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J .

This community service activity also provided an opportunity for two students of the Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, namely Dian Kurnia Safitri Leksono and Agnes Dellavia Kusuma Putri as the person in charge of the activity. (*/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)