The Community Service Team of Doctoral Service (PKM-DM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a community service activity in Tamansari Village, Tegalsari District, Banyuwangi Regency, namely the Workshop on Strengthening Karang Taruna Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Tilapia in Cage Cultivation in Village Irrigation Channels, Wednesday (7/17/2024). This team is chaired by I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, Ph.D along with five students from various faculties, namely FIA, FPIK, FISIP, and FMIPA.
“Alhamdulillah, through the PKM DM program organized by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) UB, we have the opportunity to serve in this village to encourage and improve social innovation and local economic empowerment through fish in cages cultivation in the village irrigation channels,” said the FPIK lecturer.
He said that the main focus of this program is strengthening the institutionalization of youth organizations and the formation of community groups (Pokmas) that will manage all tilapia fish cages. This program received great enthusiasm from the community and universities. The first stage includes the construction of three cages and the distribution of 450 tilapia fish, with the hope that this activity will be sustainable and provide economic benefits.
A total of 3 (three) cages from a total of 8 planned cages were placed in the village irrigation channels close to residents’ houses to facilitate monitoring. The cages are filled with tilapia fish, which of course have a high ability to survive and adapt and also have a high tolerance for water quality.
This activity was attended by around 70 participants from village officials, Karang Taruna, MSME actors, RT/RW, BUMDES, fisheries business actors.
“This activity is certainly beneficial for the surrounding environment and also increases the economy of the community in Tamansari Village. In addition, this activity can also attract the interest of the community to cultivate fish here,” said Asman, one of the residents of Tamansari Village, enthusiastically. [team/sitirahma/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]