The Buffer Village of Meru Betiri National Park is a conservation area where community empowerment activities are carried out, one of which is oyster mushroom cultivation in Kebonrejo village, Banyuwangi district. In 2020, KBJT “Maju Bersama” production of oyster mushroom cultivation received technology transfer from the Doctoral Service Program from Universitas Brawijaya in the form of laminar and autoclave for mushroom breeding as well as technical guidance on the development of processed mushrooms, also strengthening marketing and institutional management.
The success rate of using laminar and autoclave in the manufacture of seedlings reaches 95%. The quality of the oyster mushroom seeds produced (F0 and F1) is more sterile and the opportunity to grow is greater (2 out of 40 failed bottles = 5%) compared to before which still buy mushroom seeds purchased from farmers in Jajag area, Jember so that production costs are expensive and the failure rate is still high (20-30)%.
This activity is strengthened in 2021 with the Mixer Machine and Press Baglog to increase the capability of the process of making oyster mushroom seeds through the Doctoral Service activity which is a collaboration between LPPM Universitas Brawijaya with Meru Betiri National Park in Banyuwangi region and the Government of Kebonrejo Village, Banyuwangi district.
Chief Executive of the activity, Evi Kurniati, PhD from FTP and her team from the Faculty of Agriculture (Dr. Fitria Dina Riana, SP., MP), Agricultural Technology (Dr. Siti Asmaul M, STP, MP and Jaya Mahar Maligan, STP, MP), Engineering (Rahmi Yuniarti, ST, MT) and assistant staff from BTNMB Kalibaru section in Banyuwangi Regency (Sulistiranto, SSi, MSi and Wahyu Candra Kirana) who began to carry out these activities offline and online to strengthen technology transfer and technical guidance for institutional management assistance.
In the production of baglog for oyster mushroom seeds, previously it was done manually, either in mixing sawdust, rice bran, and calcium.
The manual pressing process uses pipes and bottles, the cost of making baglog is IDR 275,000/1,000 baglog and produces an uneven density level as a failed product of 5%.
The working capacity of this machine reaches 960 kg per hour which is faster than manually which is 50 kg per hour so that the production efficiency increases to 1900%. The existence of Baglog Mixer and Press Machine has an impact on the baglog making process that it will be faster with better quality with an even density level so that production capacity increases almost 2-3 times from the previous capacity.
This technical guidance and assistance activity in optimizing oyster mushroom cultivation was carried out by resource persons for oyster mushroom SME, Zahra from Jember, as well as implementation for the development of innovations from oyster mushroom cultivation and processing.
All KBJT “Maju Bersama” who initially bought oyster mushroom seeds, are now finally able to produce their own oyster mushroom seeds with competitive quality.
The output targets generated in the Doctoral Service Program activities include services for coaching and mentoring business management and technology to increase productivity and capability of regional superior products based on oyster mushrooms as well as Transfer of Appropriate Technology in the form of facilitation of machines and production tool for oyster mushroom cultivation (Mixer and Press Baglog). ) in KBJT “Maju Bersama” which is competitive for market share expansion. (dse/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)