UB Lecturers Teach Bahrul Maghfiroh Student Making Soap and Handsanitizer

The Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) located in Tlogomas Village, Lowowaru District, Malang City has a mission to provide non-profit educational services. The independence of pesantren under the care of Prof. Dr. Ir Moh Bisri MS is very much needed to meet the daily needs of the students (santri).

It cannot be denied that the unhealthy behavior of the santri is often seen as the cause of the vulnerable health conditions of the santri.

This unhealthy behavior includes the use of shared toiletries, lack of maintaining the toilet cleanliness, and less educated students about the importance of personal hygiene, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic situation.

During this pandemic, prevention is carried out by meeting the sanitation needs that the students can produce independently, be it soap, shampoo, and hand sanitizer.

On Friday, August 28, 2020, Doktor Mengabdi (DM) team held a Training of Trainers (ToT) for the trainer team of Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic boarding school and high school trainers regarding the manufacture of sanitary products.

The DM Program focuses on developing local wisdom (Islamic boarding schools), also basic social services (health services) in the aspects of production, a healthy environment, and marketing.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Chandrawati Cahyani, M.S. (Chemical Engineering) as the Team Leader collaborated with three Chemical Engineering lecturers who have competences in the field of bio-natural product technology; Vivi Nurhadianty ST MT, Aji Hendra Sarosa ST MT, and Luthfi Kurnia Dewi ST MT.

Prof. Chandra also took Dr. Herwinda Brahmanti, M.Sc, Sp.KK. as an expert in skin health. This DM activity involved several undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The presentation and training were carried out by Dr. Herwinda Brahmanti, M.Sc, Sp.KK. and DM team for trainers from Pondok and SMA Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic boarding school.

They were given knowledge about the importance of maintaining personal and environmental health by maintaining cleanliness using sanitary products. The proper use of these sanitary products can reduce the spread of diseases caused by a lack of hygiene. This sanitation product formulation training was conducted online and involved nine trainers.

In addition to the training, the team also introduced tools and materials used in the manufacturing process of sanitation products, which was explained by Rifa Rahma Andriana as a laboratory assistant in the Bioprocessing Laboratory of Chemical Engineering UB.

Then, Vivi Nurhadianty and Aji Hendra Sarosa explained how to make sanitary products which were consist of explanations of the tools and materials used and the sequence of the manufacturing process through a video tutorial. The trainers were thought about how to make/produce castile soap, the formula of soap and shampoo, and how to make hand sanitizers.

“The Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School as a partner is expected to be able to produce sanitation products based on the video tutorial that has been given. The tools and materials to make sanitary products have been provided to partners for experimentation. After this, of course, we will continue to assist the trainers online,” Prof. Chandra concluded. (Meg/mic)