FTP Lecturers Use Mathematical Modeling to Overcome COVID-19

The lecturer team of Bioprocess Technology Study Program Faculty of Agricultural Technology (PS TBP FTP conducted a series of activities in an effort to break the chain of COVID-19.
The first activity is conducting independent research using simple mathematical modeling of Susceptible Infectious Recovery (SIR) with official Indonesian government data that is updated every day.
Research using mathematical modeling can provide information about the importance of the effect of compliance with government calls on the end of the pandemic.
It is hoped that the dissemination of simulation results based on mathematical modeling in the community environment will support government programs to accelerate breaking the chain of virus transmission.
Susceptible Infectious Recovery (SIR) modeling is a research fronted by Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA with Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si., Dr. M. Bagus Hermanto, STP, M.Sc., Yusuf Wibisono, STP, M.Sc, PhD., Dina Wahyu Indriani, STP, M.Sc., and Angky Wahyu Putranto, STP, MP., From PS TBP FTP UB based on data on the increase of positive cases of COVID-19 per day; Data on the increase of Death Cases per day due to COVID-19; as well as data on Recovering Cases per day due to COVID-19.
Susceptible (S) in SIR modeling is an individual who is not infected but can be infected by the disease, so that this group has the possibility to be infected and move to the infectious class (I).
Infectious (I) is an individual who can transmit the disease to susceptible individuals.

The time required by a person with a disease infection is called the period of illness. After going through a period of illness, the individual will recover and move to the recovery class (R). Recovery (R) is an individual who has recovered from illness or is immune in life.
In this modeling dissemination, socialization on the awareness raising efforts to comply with health warnings were carried out with the theme “The Rasulullah Principles on Pandemics” which also discussed the increasing body immunity according to sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad; the Covid-19 protocol and the large-scale social distancing program (PSBB) as an effort to improve public health in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the socialization, it was explained that there were eight principles of the Prophet in dealing with pandemics, including quarantine, isolation and maintaining distance; tracing transmission; keep as optimal as possible from transmission and seek treatment if sick; the martyrs of those who died because of the plague; pray to God; maintain hygiene and sanitation; as well as maintaining health and fitness.
Not only providing socialization in the form of materials to the residents of Landungsari village, the TBP team also distributed groceries, face shields and masks to local residents, especially those who were poor. (dse / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)