The pandemic period that never ends has strengthened the intention of the lecturers of Agricultural Industrial Technology (TIP) Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) to go directly to the community to provide innovation to increase the economy and productivity. Through community service activities led by Dr. Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh STP, MP with members Dr. Ir. Endah Rahayu Lestari, MS, Isti Purwaningsih STP, MT, and Wike Agustin Prima Dania STP, M.Eng, PhD, a team of TIP UB lecturers conducting technical guidance activities and technological facilities to improve institutional performance and production quality at UKM Batik Tulis Sidomulyo, Batu City.
The SME of Handwritten Batik Sidomulyo, which was established in 2017, has been actively promoting local wisdom as a batik motif typical of Batu City. Stevani Karina, the owner of SME explains, “The type of our batik is the local motifs that we adopt, namely ornamental fish and ornamental plants. In the process, in addition to using synthetic dyes, we also use natural dyes. Natural dyes are actually have higher quality, but will make batik prices tend to be more expensive since the processing process is relatively longer and our limitations in technology so that it will make prices more expensive because production costs are also high, in general “she explained.
This constraint becomes background for TIP UB lecturer team to conduct technical guidance activity to improve the performance efficiency of the SME. “Even though it has only been established for a few years, this SME is already quite productive despite of some obstacles occur. In fact, these SME raise local commodities so that we think to do something. We teach concretely and we assist the SME from May to August to make natural dyes and coloring technology to produce batik with higher quality but at a relatively reasonable price. For this activity, in addition to the scientific side of the laboratory, we also collaborated with local batik experts from Trenggalek who are very experienced in natural batik dyeing technology, namely Mrs. Partini and Mr. Sukijo to help improve the skills of the SME. In addition, we also fix the management of business institutions related to financial administration so that they are more structured and efficient. We also deliberately involve students, namely Zumrotul Kurnia and Zolla Mellanisa as a provision to apply what they have learned in college in the middle of the community,” said the team leader, Dr. Siti Asmaul.
Moreover, Dr. Siti Asmaul explained that the natural dyes used can be derived from roots, stems, bark, leaves, and flowers or a combination of them to produce a variety of colors that seem calm, cool, soft, and comfortable.
This technology guidance process is followed by residents around Sidomulyo village who are involved in batik industry. Practices are carried out starting from the batik process to coloring with several dyes to get the desired color. The trainees were very enthusiastic about participating in the training process from start to finish producing beautiful batik. With this activity, it is hoped that batik industry in the Sidomulyo village area can advance and be known by the wider community and support the success of Sidomulyo Tourism Village. This also supports Batu City Government Program as an Empowered Village of the City of Victory in developing a Tourism Village that is nationally competitive. (dse/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)