Lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine Strengthen the Tuberculosis Handling Program in Malang City Health Centers

Photo of Counseling at Mulyorejo Health Center

In the context of community service, lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) dr. Alidha Nur Rakhmani, MSc, Sp.D.L.P, dr. Fitri Indah Sari, Sp.P and dr. Ihda Dian Kusuma, M.Biomed, Sp.PA held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with six Health Centers in Malang City to explore problems and obstacles in implementing the TB program. In addition to the FGD, this activity was also filled with the provision of educational materials related to TB and interactive discussions with health workers.

“This activity also aims to strengthen the TB handling and prevention program at Malang City Health Centers,” said dr. Alidha.

To facilitate the FGD activities, data were collected from 44 TB patients and their families at the Kedungkandang and Mulyorejo Health Centers. The main purpose of this data collection was to measure the level of knowledge and preventive behavior related to TB.

After that, TB patients and their families were given health education about TB and how to prevent it. The results of the post-test showed a significant increase of knowledge in both TB patients and their families. Most TB patients also showed a good level of compliance in undergoing treatment.

Photo of Health education at Kedungkandang Health Center

“It is hoped that through this community service activity, a sustainable positive impact can be created, both for TB patients and the Health Center program, so that TB control in Malang City can be more effective,” said Dr. Alidha.

Tuberculosis (TB) is still a significant health problem in Indonesia, including in Malang City. Based on the WHO report in 2022, TB placed the second rank as the cause of death from infectious diseases in the world, after COVID-19. Indonesia, as one of the countries in Southeast Asia, is still facing a fairly high number of TB cases, including in Malang City. Data in 2021 recorded 565 TB cases found in the working area of ​​ Malang City Health Center.

Health centers, as primary health care providers, play a vital role in reducing the number of cases of infectious diseases, including TB, and other chronic diseases. In addition, health centers play a role in improving public health. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]