Fapet Lecturer Gives Technical Guidance on the Livestock Processing Technology

Lecturer of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) in the interest of Livestock Processing Technology, Dr. Dedes Amertaningtyas, S.Pt.,MP provides technical guidance on livestock processing technology, Wednesday-Thursday (23-24/06/2021).

Located at The Singhasari Resort, Jl. Ir. Soekarno 120 Batu City, the activity was organized by the Livestock Service Office of East Java Province. However, it is intended for 65 participants representing the Livestock Service Office of UPT PT and HNT throughout East Java who are in charge of the Livestock function and Animal Health. As well as business actors of livestock processing products and Islamic boarding schools.

Dedes explained about livestock products such as processed products from meat, milk, eggs, skin, bones, and bee products (honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and bee sting therapy). Starting from the process of preservation, processing, to the goals and constraints in the development of SME for livestock products.

According to him, people need to innovate using livestock products as an immune booster during a pandemic like now. However, it needs to be balanced with increasing Go-Online and Go-Digital capabilities that are Adaptive, Creative, Innovative, Productive and Solutive, so that the MSME community can continue to survive in the midst of the crisis due to COVID-19.

Besides, he also conveyed about the need for cooperation with institutions through various programs or activities of lecturers and students. (dta/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)