The Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) together with the Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) held a Global Lecture program on (21/10-24/10/2024) at the UKM campus, Malaysia to enrich the international legal insights of lecturers and students, especially in economic law, competition, and aspects of mixed marriage law.
Dr. Hanif Nur Widhiyanti, S.H., M.Hum., a lecturer at UB Faculty of Law who is a delegate, filled two lecture sessions for the master’s and bachelor’s programs at FUU UKM. In the first session, Dr. Hanif discussed the issue of cartels in Indonesia in the Competition Law course in the master’s class taught by Prof. Safinaz Mohd. Hussein.
“Cartel regulations in Indonesia have special characteristics that are different from other ASEAN countries, including Malaysia,” said Dr. Hanif in his presentation.
The second session was held in the Conveyancing class of the FUU UKM undergraduate program with the material Assets in Mixed Marriage Under Indonesian Regulation, under the guidance of En. Aminurasyed Mahpop, Senior Lecturer (Fellow) Head, Professional Year Unit, Faculty of Law, UKM.
Dr. Hanif highlighted the importance of understanding the regulations related to assets in mixed marriages that are increasingly occurring between Indonesian and Malaysian citizens. “Cross-border marriages between Indonesian citizens and Malaysian citizens have become an important issue that requires a deep understanding of the law from both parties,” she said.
Through this activity, UB Faculty of Law and FUU UKM hope to strengthen academic and research collaboration, with the aim of producing joint scientific publications that are relevant to law in the ASEAN region. It is hoped that this activity will be a real step in efforts to improve the quality of legal education in both institutions. (rma/FH PR/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)