Lecturers are Equipped with AI Skills to Improve the Quality of Learning

As technology develops rapidly, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part in various fields, including education. To improve the quality of learning in the digital era, on March 5 2024 Brawijaya University (UB) held AI training Batch II for lecturers at the Micro Teaching Laboratory, Joint Services Building, 10 Floor of Brawijaya University.

This training aims at equipping lecturers with basic AI knowledge and skills that can be applied in the learning process. The first training material was delivered by Wibisono Sukmo Wardhono, S.T., M.T regarding the use of AI for teaching preparation. Meanwhile, the second material related to the use of AI to create teaching materials was presented by Aswin Suharsono, S.T., M.T.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Loeki Enggar Fitri, M. Kes., SpParK, Chair of UB Educational Development Institute, stated, “With this training, it is hoped that lecturers can utilize AI to improve the quality of learning, such as creating more interactive and personalized learning materials, designing more objective assessments, and provide more effective feedback to students.”

This training was attended by lecturers from various faculties in UB, who showed their enthusiasm through active participation in training sessions and discussions. In addition to AI training, UB also provides various other self-development programs for lecturers, such as PEKERTI training, AA training, and the use of technology to support learning.

This is done to improve the quality of lecturers and support UB to become a superior university in the fields of education and research. Therefore, UB continues to strive to strengthen its role as an education center that is oriented towards technology and innovation. (SAM/WDD/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).

Participants enthusiastically took part in the AI Training Batch II


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