Lecturer and FT UB Students Help Improving the Quality of Handicraft Production of the Disability Group in Malang Raya

The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world has undeniably affected all lines of people’s lives without exception. This also happens to friends with disabilities, especially those who are members of Malang Raya Disability Group Association.

Through the Doctoral Service Program Universitas Brawijaya (UB). Sunday (17/10/2021) Sugiono, ST., MT., Ph.D., Lecturer in Industrial Engineering FTUB and several industrial engineering students took the initiative to provide assistance in the efforts of improving the quality of the wood carving production of Hans Collection handicrafts in Gunung Sari Village, Tajinan Malang, which is managed by M. Shonhaji along with some friends with disabilities from Malang Raya Disability Association.

For starters, by using funds from UB Doctoral Service program, assistance is given in the form of investment to buy several carving tools including cutting machines, smoothing machines, paints and also a CNC tool.

“For this CNC tool, it can’t be used currently because firstly it requires special training and secondly it requires a computer investment for its operation. Alhamdulillah, there has been assistance from the village office for PC procurement, so it is a welcome collaboration between UB with the local government”, explained Sugiono, starting the conversation.

“This investment is collaborative. Although it is not big because this is a dedication, I hope that this assistance can increase the productivity of friends with disabilities so that they can develop both in terms of skill and economic, considering that the impact of this pandemic will certainly make their lives even more difficult,” he explained.

“So, I think maybe UB through the Doctoral Service LPPM program can welcome, because indeed these friends really need attention in the form of not to be helped or given, but facilitated, especially in terms of assistance such as management, marketing and also community management,” he added.

Sugiono said that the collaboration with friends from Malang Raya Disability Association had actually started about a year ago. It started with the opening of a workshop as a pioneer of cooperation which was also the beginning in mapping the skills of friends with disabilities in Malang Raya and mapping out a good and appropriate cooperation model to be implemented in the management of Malang Raya Disability Association.

In line with Sugiono, Dr. Ir. Anang Larstriyanto, M.Si (LPPM UB) who came to visit also hoped that the programs launched by LPPM UB could and have been utilized or empowered as much as possible and able to reach all groups.

“This theme is very interesting, where so far I see that the programs we have launched have been used or empowered quite well. And maybe later if there are obstacles and others later, please inform so that it can be even better in the future, “he messaged. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]