Kecopokan Hamlet, Senggreng Village, Sumber Pucung District – Malang Regency is an area that has great potential in the fields of animal husbandry, fisheries, and agriculture. The development of these potential can create business alternatives based on technological innovation. Such as beef cattle fattening centers, increased fish production, and superior rice production.
In addition to the location, Senggreng Village has good accessibility, which is easily accessed and connected to other areas, and there are highway transportation routes. So, it has a strategic location position for business development.
Reading the situation, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) lecturers who are members of the Doctoral Service team, plan to develop tourism in Kecopokan Hamlet. Chaired by Prof.Dr.Ir. Trinil Susilawati, M.S., IPU.,ASEAN Eng (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), the team consists of Dr. Nanang Febrianto, S.Pt., MP (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Dr. Dedes Amertaningtyas, S.Pt., MP (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Hefti Salis Yufidasari, S.Pi, M.P (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences), and Sri Sulasmiyati, S.Sos, M.A.P (Faculty of Administrative Sciences).
The activities carried out are community economic empowerment in the form of coaching, mentoring, and training on post-harvest handling of freshwater fish as well as the delivery of fish processing technology to increase shelf life. The activity was given to the wives of beef cattle breeders of Widjikamulyan livestock group, namely the beef cattle cluster assisted by the Red Meat Producers Research Group Fapet UB and Bank Indonesia Malang branch.
The location of this group is close to Sutami dam, so that it can be used for the development of tourism and business in the fields of fisheries and animal husbandry in the same time.
This program has been presented through monitoring and evaluation with the Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) UB and Dr. Sugiarto, Saturday (9/10/2021).
Prof. Trinil hopes that through the development of fish business, it will be able to strengthen the economy of the beef cattle breeder family and make resilient village in terms of health, education and community’s economy.
“The sustainability of this tourism area development program, later on, tourists can buy fish products in fresh or frozen conditions, and are in the beef cattle cluster area.” she concluded (TS/dta/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)