UB Doctoral Service Team helps the community in Sampangan Beach, Muncar, Banyuwangi to reduce waste on the coast. Waste is processed by means of pyrolysis and 3D Modeling recommendations in the coastal area of Sampangan Beach.
Pyrolysis equipment is a technique of burning waste as well as refining materials without the presence of O2 at high temperatures and the gas produced is useful and safe for the environment. This is because the final products produced are CO2 and H2O.
The final product of this pyrolysis process depends on the type of plastic being burned. One of the experiments carried out was that the burning was carried out for 3 hours with the use of 9 kg of plastic waste taken in the Sampangan coastal area. Produced 1 L of motor fuel (diesel) and tar.

This UB Doctoral Service Team is chaired by Prof.Dr. Ani Mulyasuryani, MS with the supervisor Eko Waluyo, S.Pi., M.Sc. They together with five students took the initiative to help the residents of Kedungrejo Village to process waste into more useful products independently. The DM team gave a set of pyrolysis device to residents.
The coastal area actually has a beautiful view. However, since the last 20 years, the fishing industry has started around the coastal area. This creates a high pile of garbage on the Sampangan coast.
This is exacerbated by the behavior of local residents who make the coast as a garbage dump. Garbage that accumulates on Sampangan beach can cover a beach area of approximately 300 meters long and 8 to 15 meters wide.
The pyrolysis device was made at a welding site in Parijatah Wetan Village, Srono District, Banyuwangi. The manufacture of the pyrolysis apparatus was carried out for 2 weeks and carried out 2 times the tool trial before being demonstrated to the community at the Kedungrejo Village Hall on July 15, 2022. {Tim/Siti Rahma/ Trans. Iir]