The Doctoral Service Team (DM) of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FPIK) promotes Pangi beach tourism Blitar through websites development for social media.
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) together with the Supervisory Community Group (POKMASWAS) Sadar Bahari, the local village government that is supported by the Government of Blitar Regency and the DKP of East Java Province carry out several activities to welcome the infrastructure development of Pangi Beach marine tourism house. Pangi Beach will be used as one of the leading tourist destinations in Blitar Regency.
Located less than 1 km from JLS, Pangi beach has potential as a major tourist destination for JLS road users.
Besides infrastructure development, the DM team also made squid habitat from available materials around the community environment, such as palm fibers and pipes with the main construction of ballast with cast concrete made of sand and cement.
“The pipe attractors located on the six sides of the cast cement construction serve as a shelter for the squid when it gets disturbed from outside and the squid’s habit of staying in a hidden place and the tassel attractor as a place for squid eggs to attach.
In addition to being an artificial squid habitat, the location around Pangi Beach with coral reefs in this spot will be a leading dive tour in Pangi beach.
Fishing activities are hampered by the sloping contour of the coast, so it takes 6-12 people to lift the boat from the shore to the ship’s landing.
To overcome this, the Doctoral Service team donates a towing winch with a capacity of 1 ton with an 8 PK diesel engine.
The DM activity involved PKM students from the Fisheries Resource Utilization Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (Fatrah Sulaeman Hutasuhut and Hanif Rafdhiansyah Insani) who collaborated with students of the Information Technology Education Study Program (Wiwit Susilo Ningsih) and the Information Systems Study Program (Devian Wahyu Setiyawan). ) Faculty of Computer Science with the guidance of Mrs. Almira Syawli, S.Kom., M.Kom (lecturer of Fisheries Resources Utilization Study Program, FPIK UB). (FPIK/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).