Dolphins’ migration pattern is frequently incompatible with their destination to find food, breeding and searching for new habitats rich in food. A marine environment that is a natural habitat for the cetacean mammals, save a lot of mystery for its survival. Dolphins often swim too close with shallow waters causing them stuck and cannot return to the open sea.
Recorded in Indonesia, during a period of 29 years (1987-2016) there were around 289 stranded dolphin occurrences. Ironically, around 77.85% among them could not return to the open sea safely. In 1987-2013, several dolphin species that frequently stranded were Orcaella brevirostris, Stenella longirostris, Steno bredanensis, Tursiops aduncus, Grampus grisseus. One example of protected dolphin species is Tursiops truncatus which population worldwide is remained around only 600,000.
Basically, dolphin has sensor capability in using ultrasonic wave to communicate and determine its surrounding environment in frequency more than 20 KHz frequency. However, lately there are increased noises in waters due to human activities such as exploration, offshore oil and gas industry drilling and commercial shipping, which produce noise in the range of dolphin hearing namely 10 Hz – 200 kHz.
This sound range overlaps with mammal’s and so could confusing and even fatal for the animals.
DOCTOR’s working system uses dynamic ocean wave motion, and so can give pressure at the bottom and causing rubber spring in the middle moving up and down.
The generated mechanical force due to movement of rubber springs changed by PVDF film as piezoelectric material to become electricity. Electrical energy then processed into the PCB FR4 circuit board to be generated into ultrasonic transducer and some electricity goes to power inverter as energy reserves. Afterwards the ultrasonic transducer change electrical energy received to become sound waves in a frequency reaches 20 kHz.
The 20 kHz frequency wave or commonly mentioned as ultrasonic wave vibrating through the wall which hereinafter vibrating out towards waters. Dolphins that move towards shallow waters when reach DOCTOR’s radius range will receive alarm signal and so will move away from shallow waters.
The shallow waters when receive DOCTOR’s radius range will receive alarm signal and so will move away from shallow waters.
In addition to be applied for dolphins, DOCTOR also could be used for whales. [Reedo/Humas UB/trans. Denok]