K3L Division Holds Emergency Response Training

The Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (K3L) Division of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a workshop and training on medical emergencies for educators/education staff in UB. The activity took place on (5/13–5/14/2024).

UB Secretary, Dr. Tri Wahyu Nugroho, S.P., M.Si., said that this activity was an effort to prepare all aspects in dealing with emergencies that could occur at any time. So that when facing an emergency, the academic community is ready.

“We must be aware that preparedness is important in facing all possibilities related to the possibility of disasters, work safety, human error, and so on,” he said.

He hopes that each faculty, work unit, and business unit will have members who are K3 certified. Moreover, UB, which continues to strive for internationalization, must have a certified team.

“When UB’s academic community has preparedness in facing emergency conditions, then at least it can minimize the risks received,” he hoped.

Head of UB’s K3L Division, Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, S.T., M.Kes., explained that the goal of K3L is to reduce work accidents, minimize illness due to work, and increase work efficiency and productivity.

“All activities carried out from waking up to going back to sleep, all have risks so they must be carried out according to standard operating procedures (SOP),” she explained.

She said that she had made every effort to maximize the implementation of K3 in UB environment. Moreover, with UB’s status as a PTN-BH, it is a must to have a K3 team.

“It can be seen that we have currently prepared K3 well, such as the presence of light fire extinguishers in each building, water sprinklers, safety signs, and so on. We also continue to improve to prepare other needs,” she explained.

Workshop speaker, dr. Aurik said that this activity is important for first aid when an accident occurs at work. He said that medical personnel will definitely arrive late, therefore the purpose of this activity is to integrate medical personnel and UB community as first responders.

“For example, if there is a case of cardiac arrest, then the person closest to the sufferer will provide first aid by performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or giving artificial respiration. Because if it is even one minute late, it will increase the possibility of bad impacts by 10 percent,” he explained.

In addition to receiving material, the participants also practiced performing CPR, treating broken bones, evacuating unconscious victims, and extinguishing fires with Malang City Fire Department.

In this activity, UB K3L Division also collaborated with Malang Fire Department to provide training on fire extinguishing.

“Fire prevention in a place is not only the responsibility of the fire department, so that participants are ready if a fire emergency occurs in UB environment. This activity is a form of effort to maintain fire prevention. With UB’s dense activities and environment, fires can occur from anywhere, “said the Head of the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Division, Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, S.T., M.Kes. (FARHAN/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).